Help! "Recovery" drive?

What does this mean and why does it look so full?

New computer?

Usually where the vendor installs system software and image of the OS and drives incase your install gets messed up. No need for a CD unless of course the physical drive dies

Yes new computer this christmas. So I should just leave it alone and not worry about it? It has almost doubled in size since I first got it. And why is it almost maxed out when its not even a gig out of 9.76?

i didnt think that the saize ever changed, i could be wrong though maybe you have a virus?

I am pretty sure its always been the 9.76, but the red bar has about doubled. Maybe its because there is more to recover now?

maybe your system restore saves to that part. i aways just turn it off when i get a pc.

I am usually good for fucking shit up, so ill leave it. lol

When you turn on the computer, it will say press “something” to recover the PC.

What it does is restores the image from that partition on the hard drive.

If you delete this, when you press recover, it won’t work.

I don’t like this method, because its only a matter of time when a hard drive will die. I would look into getting some dvd’s from the vendor as well.

I think I have cd’s anyway, I’ll double check.

Ya as long as you have the basic install CD and network driver so you can get online and download the rest, you don’t need it really.

I just kill that partition and give the user more hard drive space.

I’ve been seeing a lot OEM’s use that drive for recovery AND full back ups. After a few days most users start getting that nagging bubble that the drive is almost full. Fucking retarded…

Alright, new problem with my ‘recovery drive’

It went to do a backup and it failed because there isnt enough room. Shouldnt it just re-write the old stuff with the new? How do I go about fixing this? delete everything in the recovery drive each time it needs to do something? Or does it already write over the new stuff, I am just trying to back up too much?

My documents folder is 11mb, music is 5gb, and pictures is 725mb, so I am not sure how it can be full, it does back up other things, but I cant imagine they are too big…

So now I get a little pop up every five minutes saying that there is low disk space on that drive.

Can I delete everything that is on there? I usually get big problems when I start deleting things, lol. What is it adding to the space that it keeps getting bigger? Shouldnt it just write over the old data?

u can delete the LAPTOP folder… leave the rest