Help removing car

Not sure exactly where to put this but I have the remains of a car that I need to get out of my garage before my mom throws me out of my house ASAP.

Its a 94 acura integra with a title and keys, does not roll because theres no suspension/ rear end on the car, the car still prob weighs about 1000 lbs so there’s a little money for anyone who wants to scrap it.

Either way, if someone could help me out and get this thing outta here id gladly appreciate it.

It is free for anyone that wants to come get it and scrap it, hell ill even throw you a few bucks just for making is dissapear.
Let me know if you could help me out



Did you try calling a scrap place and telling them that you have a beater that you need winched onto a truck?

That scrap yard in Depew (sorry do not remember the name) will come get it and haul it away. Twin city or something like that…

twin village recycling

Any scrap yard will come take it. They won’t give you much for it these days, but they’ll at least come get it if no one on here want’s it for something useful.

how are the rear quarters and motor mounts ???.. rear lights??

ive called a few scrap yards and they’ve told me they wont come get it unless it rolls.

deebo has rear quarters and lights.pmed

You can have the passenger back that you gave me.

toss the rear on sme dolleys and voila

Lies. I scrapped a Caprice with no suspension/wheels under it. Simply set the rear end on some dollies and the front on jackstands. Flatbed pulled up to near the jackstands and gently lifted the front off the stands, then proceeded to drag the rest of the car onto the bed. Took me all of 5 minutes to set this up, and took them 5 minutes to load it.

im having trouble getting a trailor for this or i wouldve boughten it off u mike

do u think we could life it 3 feet in the air to get it onto my dads dumptrailor lol

i lifted the whole front up by myself, im sure 4-5 people could lift the whole thing up.

It has to go by tomorrow.

I called 2 scrappers and 1 junkyard, they all said they wouldnt pay me if they picked it up, which i could really give a shit about. But they said I would have to find a way to get it there if it didnt roll.

call the # i gave you … he picked up my teg last week and mine had lass shit then yours

haha are you sure dude ? mine will have literally nothing left lol.


lol its not registered, is literally almost just a frame with a dash and roof.

dude i had the floor cut out of mine … and it was laying frame… he would prob get it tonight

Come to think of it…I’ve scrapped 3 cars using the dolly approach. Just depends how you interpret “roll”.