HELP!!! suspension problem.

when i turn my wheel it makes a " clunk clunk" sound from the front right side of the car.
it a 89 240sx.

what could this be ?

my 180sx and 240sx did the same thing , i think its just the spring shifting around

camber plates have sand or gunk in them , or your pillow balls have gunk in them and are worn and makes noise , OR your springs do not have enough preload on them that when you turn the wheel the springs turn as well and go over bumps they bounce on and off of the perch and make cling and clang noises

Or your steering rack is pooched

this is true

When I turn corners really hard and put some weight on my front end, I get that noise too. I put heater hose chunks on the top and bottom of my springs which helped a little.

I’ve replaced the rack, tie rods, struts, sway bar links, sway bar bushings…so I presume its safe to say it is just the springs moving around. Just embrace the noise :yawinkle:

Stock suspension or modified?

Stock suspension will do that if the spring isn’t seated properly. My coilovers sometimes make that noise too. I do believe it’s them settling because it only happens after I change my settings and it goes away after a while.

B-Wurm :smiley:

alright sweet thanx guys.

how much do you guys think it would cost to fix this ?