Help Wanted (Job)

I am looking for some responsible individuals that that have knowledge in Skiing/Snowboarding who want to work at a seasonal Ski Shop.
My store is located in East Aurora. If you have any questions post them up or give me a call at the shop.

The Ski Rack
669 main St.
East Aurora



If I didn’t work 52 hours as it is, I’d be down to help you out. Good luck finding a good worker. (Not saying anything bad, just good luck)

Hey Erik, I’m not sure when you are looking for help. if it’s just a little hand here and there? I mean, I work a 40 hour work week already. But if you need help with the ski swaps and what not, I could definately help you out.

Pretty much I’ve got too much on my plate to be a full-on employee, but I’d be wiling to help out on ski swaps or anytimes when you just need a spare hand.

PM ME!!! ide love to put in hours on weekends or a few nights here and there if ur willing to work around my current schedule. pm me or email me at

Yeah we sure could use some part time help.

Would you guys be able to stop in the store ? To fill out a app and give me your hours and days you can work.


bumpf or a place thAT don and matt work at

yea i sure can do that? just give me the adress and wat ur hours of operation are

k nevermind i just saw the first post, when would be good to stop by?

Any time is fine just give a call to make sure we are here. If I’m not there ask for Matt.

ill work for ya part time.

You know how to get in-touch with me. Call me and let me know the hours you are available…

hey i called jeler for ya # but he’s busy. i can work on sundays and mondays, pretty much anytime those days. pm me if thats what ya lookin for

Hey Erik, I’ll likely stop down at the store tomorrow.