winter jobs

right now i work at a golf course wich closes in oct an im trying to find a job for winter but i have no idea where to even look. i just know i dont want to work at mcdonalds or anything like that. Im trying to find part time because of college. so if any one has any ideas that would be kool.

check retail out. Target, WalMart, Tops, Wegmans*, Best Buy, the malls

*Wegmans is probably the best for accomodating your needs. better scholarship programs + flexible hours = :tup:

delta sonic , mad $ in the winter.

shovel snow

Work at HSBC for the Sabres games

I would love to do that.

Why dont you try and work at a ski Resort. Holiday Valley or Kissing bridge. Not to sure how far away you live from there but they are easy jobs

especially on those nice sunny days…carwash is jammmmmmmmmmed

be cold and wet in winter time ahhh yes happy money lol.

Please keep the “W” word out of here. Summer just started like last week it feels

all the retail places will be hiring for the holiday shopping season in the next few months. go to the mall or any other retail place that you think you can stand to work at.

best buy in the mall is opening in a couple months. im sure they’re looking for people

plus at kissing bridge i here you get to drink and what not while working :lol:

Buy some vending machines and pimp them.

People give you .25 cents for candy that costs you only .5 cents.
