Help with car audio

alright thanks for the advice, im going to try to get the best for my money. really like that usb deck though haha motorized and all, but if it costs too much im just going to settle for a lower range one. thanks alot for the help haha

hey Bmason another question, what the better deck? the pioneer that i linked before or this panasonic one?

future shop is 50$ for a deck plus parts and 40$ for a pair of speakers

cool thanks for the information, damn i thought i read somewhere that car audio gone wild would have a big flyer in the newspaper today

they do its in the edmonton sun

yeah haha im guessing my brother took it, but i found a copy at work

I’d stick with the Pioneer Premier deck man. Those are all pretty solid decks. I’ve heard both good and bad things about Panasonic. Honestly though it’s up to you. Maybe try and find some online reviews for both of he decks? Just google em and there should be some consumer reviews somewhere.