Help with engine swap! I cracked a Vaccume line.

Now, I was removing the ac from my car before i drop in my new engine, What should i be doing about this little bit i broke off. The nipple that broke off just goes into the framerail. Is it just a drain that i dont have to be worrying about? or will this make my swap not start? Let me know guys! Thanks alot in advance.

ALSO, I cracked a flywheel bolt, where abouts should I go looking for one of these? I need one Desperately.


EDIT, This a a 91 silvia that i’m swapping a replacement sr20 into!

That hose is just a drain, its for your evap, i remove that whole fucking system when i do swaps, just gets in teh way anyways. as for the flywheel bolt, youre going to have to look around for them, talk to a dealership near you, see if they can get you one for a 94 infiniti g20, that should work, its an sr20de.

Yep, just a “drain” for the charcoal canister. Take all that shit out.

yup all that junk is useless

yah i don’t worry about that crack, but i wouldn’t remove the charcoal canister… you don’t want an open vent to you under hood from your gas tank. And I wouldn’t block off that line either. Nissan Put that thing in your car for a reason. Just leave it alone

can anyone else say dont worry about teh crack??? omg that will make your engine not run…find one immediatly they are exrtremely rare…your in luck though i have one waiting for you!

great advice!..not

So that whole getup can be ripped out? I hate that damn thing, its so clunky looking, and just plain ugly, what should i be doing with the lines? just plugging those fuckers off? re route that gastank vent?

yah just rip it out and reroute the vent to the interior of your car, right underneath the drivers seat is my favorite place

wow are some people dicks on this site.

You can find more information on what you are having problems on sites lite or nico.

Here is something that may help you:

Get fucking bent man. go troll on another site.

Thanks alot Imtired! Thats exactly what i need.