hey guys… so i’ve been getting help from the guys at zilvia.net… but right now im kinda stuck on this… i’ve removed the factory amps behind the front speakers and the amp behind the left rear… and now i need to splice the positive and negative inputs to the outputs thus bypassing the amps…
anyways… here is my problem…
left front:
so which two wires are the positive and negative inputs?
blue/white and blue/yellow but which is + and which is -
right front:
same question… which one is the positive and negative input?
brown/white and brown but which is + and which is -
rear amp:
the rear also includes the input and outputs
i know the blue/white and blue/yellow and the brown/white and brown are the outputs for both the rear speakers.
which ones are the positive and negative input for the left and right?
i know that the black, blue and light green are part of the active speaker amps from the factory service manual… but the fsm doesnt identify which wires are positive and negative inputs for the amps…