Help with fuel problems.

Hello, This is my first post on this forum, Just wanted to ask anyone on here if they know if its possible to get a fuel pump and a fuel sending unit together? I am having problems with mine, and my car isn’t starting. The corrosion has gotten soo bad. any suggestions would be great. Or, would i be able to clean the rust up and soder it back together?

Here is the picture.

Any help would be appreciated. I am new to this. :slight_smile:


lol just get a new sending unit… and get a walboro from varun

Do they sell a brand new sending unit? I couldn’t find one anywhere, i honestly thought i’d have to get a used one. Would you be able to show me a site or link? Thanks mike. i tried google for a unit but nothing…

I’ll get a pump from varun.

naw dont google… make a new thread about wanting a sending unit. im sure people on the boards have some lyin around

Alright thx.