Help with used car dealers in the area...

So I was up in the cheektowaga area this past week for the holidays. I’ll be back up in the area within a few weeks, my uncle lives on a road between French and Clinton. Since my car got totalled I’ll be shopping around that whole area for my next truck. I test drove a '05 Dodge Ram with the Hemi at liberty Motors on Clinton street Friday. I’m pretty much in love with those things now, so I’m sold on that truck. the sales associate there was pretty cool, he was a younger guy such as myself, but he seemed to know his stuff quite well also. So I ask you for the good and the bad on Liberty Motors? And how about some recommendations of other dealers in the area, and the good and bad about those. I got time to shop around so I’d like to check out a few places. And I’m always up in that area, at least twice a month.

Do you need to finance thru dealer? Private party sales are generally much > used car dealers

I have no loyalty to any dealer. I shop availability, model, mileage and price. Find what you want and then find a better price from a dealer within 300 miles. If you can get the local dealer to meet your price great, if not, fuck him and take a day trip to get it from the dealer farther away.

On my last two purchases (GTO and Expedition) the local dealers wouldn’t touch the prices I got by going out of state. Expedition came from Michigan, GTO from NC.

There are better choices, IMO -Stay Far away.

Moved to the appropriate subforum, and listen to what this guy says.^