OK so heres my story i decided to tighten my e brake cable on my 240 because it was loose a little. I had never done this bfr bc im a noobie at this but i figured that it couldnt be THAT hard. SOoo i took off my middle console, took off the e brake grip and there was the nut that i needed to tighten and so i did. At first i wanted it to 3 or 4 clicks but when i did that my car coudlnt roll anymore. SO i untighten the bolt a little until the car was able to move freely. BUT now my brake lost tension. How does that happen??I can press my brake paddle all the way down and nothing, it catches strong at about 85% of the way down but the brake light still goes on as soon as i press it. So now i set the nut the way it was before hoping my brake whould catch tension again and revert to normal but it didnt. Is there a logical explanation to this? What could i do to tighten the brake ?

i dont see how this would happen

but any ways try and bleed you breakes

bleed in this order… pass rear, driver rear, pass front, driver front

ur cables are fucked sized?

yea same i dont get how that is possible you tightened the e-brake cable and then loosened it and your regular breaks no longer work?

where abouts are you?

in the York University campus

i was thinking maybe it was the break fluid, i just dont no the cars symtoms exactly when a car is low on break fluid so could it be a possibility
ebrake light is constantly on and no pressure in break paddle…

yea than its breaking system you gotta check whats leaking take off the wheels check your calipars.