
I took the car out today for the first time since Nov. drove it for about 30 min to get he battery all charged back up and everything. stopped to get a movie and when i came back to the car the battery was dead, no big deal.

Tried my booster pack till it was empty, i idont think it had initally enought power to turn the car over, so i asked a guy to help me. took about 15 or so tries then we finally got it to turn over. So i was going to go straight to sears and get an Optima Red top.

I go to back out of my parking sopt and i hear a lound sqeal, kinda like a fan belt. i get out and look under the car, nothing. So i figure eh maybe it was a 1 time thing. Pus the clutch in and hear it again, so this sound only comes when my clutch in engauged and the car is moving. So i drive it home, not using the clutch much at all, get in the driveway, turn it off and back on thinking it may be the started locked up or something. still does it. so i turn it off and feel the entire trans shake, like it was slowing the rotation of the flywheel down till it was stopped. Is it safe to saw that my clutch is fried or throwout bearing???

i only have about 700 babied miles on the clutch (spec stage 2). it was installed with a cut flywheel like it said and a new TKO.

i don’t have anything constructive to say so i’ll be the first to say " ummm i think its that blue oval on the front thats causing the problem"

cars do odd things when you take them out in the winter, my SS was stalling under full throtle one day and totally fine the next. let it sit try it again in a week or so.

thats what i was thinking. but the shaking of the transmission as i turn it off kinda bothers me. i have 3,000 dollars on my credit card due to this transmission and if it is fucked, so am i

do you have some kind of warrenty? my tranny shit the bed because they forgot to blow out my cooler and it clogged and fried the fluid along with the tranny. they rebuilt it again at no cost. Do i recall you gettin it done at cottman?

no, it was a whole new tranny. Tremec TKO. ithe warrenty tremc gives is shit cause they are basically for race applications

throwout bearing?

my truck is making a horrible squeal when the clutch is in and nothing when it is out. I heard from numerous people that it is the throwout bearing. I will replace mine when I replace the clutch this summer, I can deal with the noise.

that sucks it is happening on a new tranny though. I would call and bitch.

throwout baring comes with the trans or clutch???

Im not sure if i have to call and bitch to Tremec or to Spec

throwout bearing usually comes with a clutch kit. Yours may be separate because it’s a high performance clutch. I would ask the tranny maker what is in there and go from there.


when you shaking of the tranny areyou saying almost like the motor keeps truning acouple extrat times the it finnally shuts off. As in like its desiling? My Tempo and my buick centry used to do that some times. It would desiel when you turn it off.

if that’s the case, I would check the timing. If timing is advanced too far it can cause this. My truck did this also, but I fixed it.

im not 100% sure. if it was somethign with the timing, it wouldnt have ran decently would it??? i mean on the drive home, the motor ran good, other than the clutch prob

ask jeeves
