civic clutch

Last night i pulled out from a red light in 1st gear when i went to shift at about 3800 rpm’s i herd a slight pop and when i put it into 2nd the speedo and tach just went up. So i was thinking maybe a slave cylinder this happened before i just changed it and i was done no problems. So today i buy the slave cylinder put it in and bleed it out. Get a peddle but nothing happens did i get a bad slave cylinder? Or is the clutch shot?

check your pilot bearing , but then again if you felt nothing out of the ordinary and your speedo is messin up it could be your speedo gear , happened to me before

but the car wont go any faster like it goes into every gear but nothing happens. I put it into gear take my foot off the clutch but it wont engage. Which there for leads me to believe the clutch is shot.

Ok so let me get this right. You put the car in gear and release the clutch like your pulling out but the car makes no attempt of movement?

none wat so ever but like its weird in first gear the speedo will go up to 20MPH if i put it in 2nd it goes to about 35MPH 3rd maybe 45MPH and so on but no absolutely no movement

Diff is cooked. Mine did that last year.

this is going to be a noob question but what exactly is the differential?

Ill make it easy you prob need a transmission

lovely lol would it be easier to buy one from a junk yard or possibly get this one rebuilt

which model/year civic?

yep I’d say the diff went out

It sounds diff-related…but I’m struggling to find a reason for breaking an OEM open differential with less than 100hp…UNLESS there is some part of this equation you’re not telling us. Try any launches lately? Dump the clutch for any reason, like on a hill…etc?

He doesn’t beat on that car. I hope it’s not his differential, or it’s off to the you-pull-it for a new one.

i dont really think so like i said it pulled out absolutley fine maybe 75 percent throttle to about 3800-4000 rpm’s pushed the clutch in to shift into second then just a real slight pop almost couldnt even hear it then nothing.

98 lx

Dude your diff is fucked plain and simple. As soon as someone pulls the axles youll hear the diff hit the bottom of the case guaranteed. Just make your life easy as find a new transmission. A three hour job start to finish to change it

im not doubting you for a second im just trying to get as many opinions as possible. Now im also on and i dont know if i can trust these guys seems to be alot of :tool:. But a few of them said to check the axles and the funny thing is i just put axles in 2-3 weeks ago?

Is your car down the street right now? Call when you are there and I’ll run down and check it out.

my fault steve i just seen this. But i didnt even have time to run down and check on it today. I get off at 6 i might go down as soon as i get off do you think it could be the axles?

well guys the car is up and running again the clutch was glazed over i baught an XTD stage 3 6 puck and a fidanza 7.5 flywheel both are great let the turbo begin.

it wasnt the differential