OK, I have a split shift today at work. On my 4 hour break I am going to BB, CC, etc. to get a Express Card 34. My computer is a Acer Aspire blah, blah, not important, the important info is my wireless connection is powered by a smoking 802.11bg :banghead:

this is what i want

can i get this, slide it in, and finally ping of my super fast server at work getting 248mb/s with this 802.11n… ??

Also, what other applications can I use my express card for? (i.e can i get a adapter to plug my cable jack into to watch TV etc. etc. please help!)

I just got a bunch of money to spend on a new DESKTOP, but with the overflow i want to put some dough into my laptop…


I’m a bit confused as to what you’re asking so here goes:

  1. Short answer no, if you’re transferring over a b/g router to an N card, it will go at g speeds. If you’re going N to N, yes it will be faster.

2.) yea sure, there are all sorts of gadgets for express card slots. I would recommend newegg over brick and mortar store, especially CC and BB. They will rape you on price.

thanks dude =)

might be what your lookin for.

Also, keep in mind wireless N products do not nessecarily always guarantee better speeds. I found this out recently after trying out a few products. Go to cnet and search for their wireless N comparison review’s. The name brands you would think are better (linksys/netgear) actually gave me slower speeds then g w/ speedbooster. After going to that site, i actually got a dlink xtreme gigabit router and dlink xtreme card, and i’m still only getting around 70-100 mbps, downloads. For some reason network transfers are still a little slower than that. But even thats a lot faster, and way more stable then the netgear gigabit router was offering.

I would highly suggest going to cnet and reading on what card to buy/what chipset is going to give you the best results.