hey computer guys, getting threatening emails.

from this IP address:

any way to figure out where they’re coming from?

Also have someone trying to break into my facebook and email because i get notifications that someone is trying to reset my password.


What’s their email address?


i prolly wouldn’t fuck with them bro. Anyone with mma in their email addy sure means business.

lmao thats a shitty ass email address cause u may be fuuuuuuuuukd :shift jk lol you wants someones address to be


hmmm, looks like that IP is associated with Microsoft



i think if you look again that mmamayhem without a dash leads you there.

just got another password reset notification for my facebook.

ah woops

told ya. :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

Time to start changing all your passwords. Start with your email(s) so that you know whoever it is can’t get into that.

And use something not easily guessed. Also report it to FB, I’m sure they log the IP of failed login attempts.

Anyone remotely intelligent would use a proxy of some sort.

They would, but I don’t think this person is all that intelligent. They are trying to break into a personal FB page, most likely targeting the OP specifically. An intelligent person wouldn’t waste their time guessing passwords, they’d phish for it.

Good point. This is why security questions should never be answered by an actual answer.

On actual FB homepage, Under ‘Account’ select ‘Account Settings’
Under ‘Account Security’ select ‘Browse FB on secure connection (Https) when possible.’ Just make sure that is selected, should help.


lol, any ideas?

I bet the clown resides within 3 hours of the server location.