hey guys picking up the junk cars

hey guys im picking the vehicles that need to be junked let me no thanks.

You are getting annoying now… Maybe you should talk to the mod’s about advertising.


y? hes not advertising for anything.

yes he is… he is picking up cars, and selling them to a junk yard. He WILL be making a profit, and this is the second thread refering to it. If he was getting nothing for doing it, chances are he wouldn’t be pressing hard on the issue. Who really wants a bunch of junk cars that they get nothing out of. It is a hauling service, that makes a profit, same as a lets say detailing service :wink: or anything else. (just to clarify, i dont detail anymore so i dont advertise anywhere anymore)


not the first time this has been posted.

BTW - Nice link Mike… :tup:

cars are much more valuable @ the junk yard if you strip them down yourself

take 4 cars that can get you $50 each @ the JY, strip them into seperate types of metal, and youll at least double your money

if my “project list” sig is advertising when most of the jobs were freebies, then this is advertising too

i dont strip the cars . all im doing is helping everyone clean there garage or house and making like 25 dollars . wats wrong with a little extra money. Im not posting no more bout this forget it because people have negative things to always say bout stuff that doesnt consern them . if you had a car you needed gone i bet you wouldnt be saying that now will you ? thanks for the ones that stick up for me .And for your concerns i wasn’t double posting i was telling the people that need the cars gone that they told me to pick up that im doing it this weekend.

i think its a good service!!! ive been wanting to get rid of that car for a while n now i have a reason to get my shit outta it and get it out of my driveway

let the man earn a few bucks out while helping me out!!!

and let him support the forum that he is making money off of by sponsoring us :slight_smile:


The money he possibly would make off of this forum doing this probably won’t even cover 4 months of advertising.

Thank god somene has some sense.