Hey just a question

Hey…so since I can’t post outside of the new member forums yet…I figured I would try to ask a question in here and hope that I get a response…so this guy came into work today and heard me talking to one of the techs about my car…well he gave me a suggestion about what could possibly be wrong with my car and why it’s running so shitty…my boyfriend has posted the problems about it (Jon)…but he said something about the butterflies but i don’t really remember what else he said nor did I know what he was talking about…I was talking about adjusting my headlights and James (the tech I was speaking with) asked if I drive the Ford Probe that gets talked about a lot because it has issues…and I said yes and the guy just kind of jumped in on the conversation…so I was just curious as to if the guy knew what he was talking about or if he was just making shit up because I’m a girl and girls (according to some guys) don’t know anything about cars…Just curious thanks -Nicole-

make 2 more posts then you can post elsewhere


welcome:beer: need 5 post in newbie forum to move into the other forums!

Welcome. The other (4) posts can be things like saying “welcome” to other noobs and what not. Then you get access to the general zoo.

Welcome from one noob to another

Well thanks for the tips about posting 5…but i already knew that…i was more or less looking for a reply about the butterfly thing that guy was talking about on my car and why it’s running really shitty and like losing power…but I appreciate the tips…Merry Christmas Everyone! Hope you all have a good holiday and get what you want. -Nicole-



Did you get your trouble figured out?

did I get my trouble figured out? about my car…? Maybe…I think that my catalytic converter is clogged or bad…so we are going to try to replace that and go from there…I think I’m going to go through and have all the censors tested too…idk when they were all tested and/or replaced…but yea I think we have it narrowed down now…thanks…happy holidays -Nicole-



