Hey Mustang Guys!

I’ve finally gotten my buddy interested in at least getting a little nicer sound out of his totally stock '02 GT vert. He doesn’t have big aspirations, but he also doesn’t have much wrenching experience, so it works out.

So what should he do? I see on Flowmaster’s website that they offer an axle-back kit for like $650. Can the stock mufflers/tailpipes be removed without cutting? That sounds kinda pricey. I’m trying to tell him to just get a pair of mufflers (what kind?) and have an exhaust shop cut out the old and weld in the new. He’s not totally opposed to this, but he likes the idea of it being reversible.

Any other/better options?

just take it to mufflerman…they do good work there and the prices are reasonable. i would get Magnaflow for it. I cant think of one vehilce that has magnaflow on it that doesnt sound good (except mine…grrr). and i dont think you’re gonna be able to get the stock mufflers off without cutting, unless the car is like BRAND new and the exhaust hasnt really been broken fully yet.

Thats WAY overpriced for some flowmasters …

A decent catback for that car should run him between $325-$450 …

and yes the tails must be cut off … unless you feel like dropping the axel

Whaddya think of this?

Thats a great price … is the car auto or stick ?? ( not exhaust related)

Stick. :tup:

MGW shifter … that should be his first mod … TRUST me … it will be the best $200 he will ever spend

but he likes the idea of it being reversible

tell him witha smile “quit being sucha bitch” hy friend was the same way with his 99 SHO and now he has full 3" exhaust, 1 roadcourse under his belt and now he will be swapping a 4.6 in it. oh yes the modding bug has bitten him… he is doomed.

just throw some mufflers on there. flowmaster 40 serise sound good and they are pretty quiet.

good find biker.

cut the ol shit right off, bolt up the new :tup:

why go new? There is cheap used shit everywhere…

Save that money, and hit it with a 100 shot. He will be very pleased/

:word: i have an MGW in my cobra and its amazing…

The guys at lethal are great to work with, they’ll give you an awesome deal. I’ve bought plenty from them, very fast shipping too!

SLP LM exhaust sounds awesome. Magnaflows sound good too, everyone has flomasters. I liek the MAx on 5.0, never heard them on a 4.6

How loud does he want to go? The borla’s and SLP LM exhausts are loud (unless he runs the LM II mufflers). magnaflows sound great, pretty good rumble and sounds good under WOT. Mac also makes a nice catback that sounds really nice as well. There are a handful of others that are not as popular, but have some nice sounding systems as well.

just go borla stinger.


I don’t think he wants to go real loud, just a nice muted rumble at idle and some extra snarl when he gets on it. I’ll see what he thinks of the $390 Flowmaster cat-back and take it from there. Aside from ebay, what is a good place to look for used parts?


May I recommend an X-pipe…modular Mustangs sound amazing with an x and pretty much any muffler you can throw at it:)

OK I’ve got him interested. He’s only looking for nicer sound and he wants it to be totally reversible. If he doesn’t go for the Flowmaster cat-back I’m going to tell him to buy a pair of mufflers and have a shop cut out the old ones and weld in the new ones.

Anyone in Buffalo stock 2.5" Flowmasters? I bet I could get him to do it if I tell him to drive up here this weekend (he’s from Crapchester) and we’ll pick up a pair and have a shop out here do it. I know I could get off my lazy ass and call someone, but how much would a shop charge to cut off the old ones and weld in new ones?


lol why would you use a muffler? :smiley: Ask anyone here who’s heard my old mustang… it sounded GREAT without mufflers (pissed off?). Long as you werent going WOT, it wasnt that bad… shit, it made DJ nick remove his :stuck_out_tongue:

OT/ if he wants/needs any mustang parts, I still have a bunch that he might be intrested in. Thier just collecting dust so…