your boots are fine, you dont need risers, gear wont have any effect.
its up to you though man.
Senior year of high school I ripped the tendon in my left ankle boardsliding the handrail at Catholic Academy skateboarding. Couldn’t walk for a couple months. Didn’t go to the hospital or anything
it healed, and eventually I was allr ight again. couldn’t really snowboard much that season though, as my ankle would swell and be constricted by the boot
then my freshman year of college I ripped it again skateboarding doing a frontside 360 flatground. This time I went to the doctor, but all they gave me was a hard cast and crutches and told me to stay off it. the crutches lasted about a day.
couldn’t ride most of that year, but still made it out 6 or 7 times
but it did heal eventually. I don’t know man. it’s up to you. I guess just do all your PT, see what the doctor thinks in terms of progress, and evaluate.
its gonna be more strain on you if you’re just starting out. After having ridden for a while, if I want to go out and just cruise and not push myself, I’m not gonna fall. I didn’t fall once in those 2 years when I only got to ride 5-10 times per season.
but last year once my groin healed (hockey injury) i pushed myself and got wrecked a bunch of times, and it felt great. (falling means you’re getting better). but if you have a serious injury, it could upset that
but i def think snowboarding isnt as bad for it as skiing. on a snowboard your legs can only move together.s kiing they can go off in any which way, more strain, and potential to get hurt. but snowboarding is a lot of work on your knees, damn things have to be bent and working full time the whole time you ride
up to you man