HGH for the guys with questions

b12 is injectable and its just a vitamin to boost energy and increase appetite, you call that “gear” too?

I promise you 95% of these “all natural” powerlifters you speak of are not natural, and the 5% that are dont place at competitions… In bodybuilding and powerlifting, aas are a very important tool needed to be the best you can be, diff is at the “natty” contests, they time it just right so that its out of there system by competition.

this is a touchy subject that im not willing to keep going in, but original point was HGH and HGH frag are way diff and real HGH is the fountain of youth drug, as boostcreep said, look at stallone… walking billboard for the effects of HGH

i hear ya. you know what i mean tho. just my opinion. and yes, stallone sweats hgh lol. he got caught with a shit load in an australian airport a while back too lol.

stallone and arnie are my heroes

arnold i honestly dont understand how he is still alive and well, dude used to pop 200mg+ of dbol daily and waaayy over 6 weeks at a time lol… his liver must be muurrdeeredd

because conan

Judge me if u guys want I don’t care , I’m 32 with scoliosis and dgd disease on most of my lower back . 1 yr ago I was setup for back surgery that would have disabled me . I have 2 kids and now a wife to support so that wasn’t a option I was really hoping for . Where am I going with this ! Simple I’m on real hgh along with gear . I have not felt this good in prolly 10 yrs and my doc can’t believe the movement I still have with my back and how well I can use it . I’m a tech so I’m using it all day every day in some of the worst ways possible for it . So yes I am saying the shit works and works great ! Trust me I weighed both options heavily before and I went with no surgery option for obv reasons .

gear? like heroin? lol

No dumb shit

I figured but I’ve never heard of anything else referred to as that…plus the context… lol

I hear heroin is great for back pain though

I did that long ago , works great yes but not something I’m gonna do again . Cost me 6 yrs of my life

so wtf is gear lol

Steroids u cum dumpster ! I don’t live on em I take the cycle and stop for a while and do it again . Like now I’m cruising “not on anything” ill be off till late summer or fall . The winter is worse for me so I use then .

like your dick need to shrivel up any more than it already is

It doesn’t ! I just sling more yogurt

Dave, any comments on the following ‘regiment’?

Hexaghen IGF-1 (link), Glucosamine/Chondroitin Pills/Supplement (link), and Animal Flex (link)? I also take a daily mens multi-vitamin.

My cousin(s) back home are professional body builders/lifters (mostly guy on the left - guy on the right is my other cousin - his older brother) told me to do this combination for my lower back issues (degenerative disc disease). I did play a lot of basketball/company softball last summer and ate better and dropped 18lb (got a lot of it back in the winter though) and definitely got a bit bigger by just doing pushups/pullups/situps. Plan to follow the same plan this summer and hopefully get under 190 (203 now - didn’t take myself seriously over the winter and regret it). I started doing this at 210. I’m not necessarily trying to get any bigger as I’m already having issues finding dress shirts for work :lol. Just want to continue to get my back as good as I can get it given my situation.

Just curious of your opinion.


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is there a hgh a dr. can actually perscribe?. i’m going for a 4th surgery may 8th. due to a broke femur from 2007 that has shown no progress at all. i also noticed cuts and shit on my body don’t seem to heal very good too. takes forever. dr. even has me using a bone stimulator that has shown no progress. thanks

also has anyone heard of a synthetic bone graft? the doc is gonna remove the larger rod he put in back in 2010 put a synthetic bone graft and plate this time.

No doc will scribe for it as your not a aids patient . Hgh is also semi new to them as well so there also Guinea pigs seeing as there gonna die anyway . My doc has been very watchful with my use and very impressed saying they need to finally approve it for use with my issues

dick gets bigger, harder, and more girth. porn star secret that and a penis pump you will be whiping the d out at every event showing it off. just like your muscles and great health.

i agree with your doctor. we need some chemisrty experts to synthisis hgh for people. i hate that you need a doc to prescribe medicine. and like you said docs wont prescribe it because its not regulated by fda like herion is. but they prescribe you hydros or another addictive med. i hate how stuff like this works.

some real medicine like hgh is bad but the meds fda make legal are amazing but casue side effects. but we have another drug for that side effect and another for the side effects associated with the other. wtf