HGH for the guys with questions

you have to pause this last video after each slide.

i wonder why presdient has a brief case with some of the best medicines even hgh? becasue it works. the president has a staff following him with aids blocker and other great things we cant afford but we make.

what is the reasoning for this thread? lol

btw, big diff between hgh frag and real hgh, that guy is an idiot.

some poeple asked me about it from this fourm in pm and in person. i am not a doctor nor do i prescribe hgh. but this is what i found.

please share your info on the hgh frag vs hgh.

i know the hgh frag puts hgh in you faster. and ghgh slowly releases it from your self. it casue your body to release it. from what ive seen the frag is better for me. they both have pros and cons

Stallone FTW.

That is all.

Wait wait wait… Aids blocker? Is that like pop up blocker for aids?

HGH frag has like 1 single property of real hgh which is minor fat burning… It does get into your body quicker, WAY cheaper and you can use it for way less time with benefit, but there is absolutely NO comparison to real HGH.

Theres more to HGH then its fat burning capabilities… It strengthens your bones and joints, help speed up recovery of an injury and pretty much REVERSES aging… It’s perscribed to aids patients with great success to boost immune system and fight the disease.

Bet your ass Stallone is cruising on REAL hgh, hense why the dude is 60 and looks 40 and ready for compeition lol.

ask magic johnson that question. he would have a better answer than me.

i wouldnt advise shooting hgh to fuck any hooker to block the desieses but it might work better than condom.


it doesnt prevent getting hiv or aids, it helps keep you alive and fight off the disease once you already have it.

if your calling clintondarton dumb i cant listen to your info.

people get stronger bones, joints and the things “real hgh” do on hgh fragment.

theres more types of hgh frag than 177-191. which is a fat loss monster

how the fuck do you know? did you try?

also i said dont do it.

also 192>191

Its a proven fact that HGH makes you more intelligent.

not calling him dumb, im calling him a fucking idiot… No difference between hgh and hgh frag? Shut the fuck up dude lol.

Watch other vids, “all the money in the world, what would you run”? Didnt hear TEST mentioned anywhere… DUMB FUCK, ALL the steroids you mentioned LOWER natural testosterone levels which is the MAIN hormone in muscle building, fat burning, libido, energry and sense of well being so if your not running testosterone WITH the other drugs your substituting one thing for another getting NO WHERE lol…

“Strongest Steroid Ive Ever Used” Prednisone!? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!? Prednisone is a non anabolic steroid perscribed for rashes and allergic reactions… What a fucking moron… Cortizone INJECTIONS can be dangerous the way they are used in sports, but thats about IT!

“HRT TRT Wasting Diseases and Steroids” stops raising your natural test levels once you go off??? YOU FUCKING IDIOT, IT DOESNT INCREASE THEM WHEN YOUR ON! LIKE YOU SAID YOU RETARD, EXTERNAL TESTOSTERONE!..And blood pressure and cholosteral shouldnt be an issue considering your only perscribed an amount that a man with normal levels would have!!!

“Dbol Oral or Injectable” doesnt pass through the liver??? WTFFF… Orals are toxic as fuck on your liver, hence why your only supposed to run them for a max of 6 weeks at a time!!

and those are the only videos ive watched so far…

“Steroids in Powerlifting and OLY Weightlifting”

power lifters use a small amount of deca to get a touch of the anabolic side?? what the fuuuckkk does that even mean?? lol… Power lifters run deca because its THEE best mass gainer out there aside from dbol/anadrol which are orals and more importantly power lifters run deca because its amazing on your joints and lifting heavy ass weight KILLS your joints… And if Deca doesnt do ANYTHING if your not eating alot of calories, how is it and npp (pretty much the same thing) used in cutting cycles? Its rare, but they certainly are, and with great results.

last anavar is THE weakest steroid out there and LAST on a real powerlifters list, hence why its the FAVORITE amongst FEMALE bodybuilders lol… This guy is a complete moron.

Anabolics for Beginners

no difference from test p and other tests? Test p gets in your system faster, which means it works faster and also has the least side effects of any test ester…

“At the very end, do you really need post cycle therapy, its up to you?”

I would punch him in the fucking face if he gave me that advice, You can and will destroy your body if you dont run post cycle therapy to bounce your levels that are now low due to “no more external test” back to normal… It also helps you keep your gains you got from your cycle.

Did you just call me a fag?

just dont take gear…period. end of story. that shit is for bitches

hgh isnt “gear”… isnt even close… Just because people use it to build muscle doesnt mean its original purpose is outweighed… When I reach my 30’s you bet your ass I will be running legit hgh, script or not and not for muscle building.

well if you have to inject, then i consider it “gear”. maybe i should have said PED. but, i was mostly directing that towards the steroid talk in this thread.

if they dont allow it in an all natural powerlifting competition for example, then I consider it an illegal substance that enhances your performance.

I just get a kick out of the guys that abuse it and especially the guys who cant even lift without it. lol. its funny, thats all