Hi, my name's Failvis. Even my mom won't play with my penis because of the warts!!!!

where you work and for what amount of time is trivial in the grand scheme of things. who you are as a person comes in how you handle yourself on a day to day basis. do you think i lose sleep at night because of how the fuckin morons on here think of me? you must be shitting me. i come on here to laugh at the rampant ego stroking and infantile behavior exhibited daily. THAT, sir, is the joke.

you all can assume im working at another dealer, doing whatever. fact is you’d be wrong in your assumptions. i cut people out of my life that had no use to me. people with little moral fiber, and even less respect. growing up doesnt just mean getting older… some people on here would do well to remember that. being at a successful job does not equate to being successful in life. having a nice car doesnt mean you’re a good person. but who am i to tell you all how to live your lives… and that can be flipped around… who the fuck do you all think you are telling me how to live mine? …i rest my case