hicas eliminate or keep

my ps fluid is leaking as the hicas lines are leaking. it will cost abt the same to get the hicas fixed as to pay for hicas elimination. its gettin eliminated without a bar, just endlinks and a chip to put in the hicas computer. Is it worth holding on to hicas. its cool to have 4ws if it works, tho i hear its no good for drftin. its mainly a dd, havent drifted yet, unless u count sliding in the winter, but am thinkin abt it. i m also gettin some tokico hp coilovers soon, good value imo. heard somewhere that most coilovers arent compatible with hicas. wat do u guys think is it worth keepin hicas, & what cheap coilovers to get?

Personally, i dont even notice hicas after having driven it for a while. In your position, i would just swap out the hicas pump for a non hicas one and call it a day. if you’re a purist and dont want the extra weight, get a new subframe.

i didnt know tokico made coilovers, and i havent heard of hicas/nonhicas coilovers. i didnt think there was a difference. And if you’re going for cheap coils, just get a good spring/shock combo.


get rid of your hicas headache, buy a non hicas sub frame, and cut and loop the ps lines anywhere south of the rack to the back, took me all of 2 hours to swap subframes and everything else, Car is alot more stable and feels so much better

will have to get it done at a shop hence wanna pay less for labor. any disadvantage of using elimination kits? not 2 sure if tokico makes coilovers as i cant find it googling, but a dealer says he can get it for abt 600 which does seem 2 gud 2 b tru, only. waiting to see if its coilovers or spring shock pkg, if so might think of getting ground control and kyb or koni. godspeed coilovers from ebay is cheap but dont know if it will just blow, for the price tho is it worth it? my car is mainly a dd, & i cant afford top of the line stuff just yet. just want some coilover less than a grand & height adjustable so i can lower it in summer and raise it for winter, preferebly damping adjustable but ok if not.

If your car is going to be a DD, i reccomend a spring and shock combo. If you’re looknig for something just a little tighter than stock but still soft enough for street, go with kyb gr2s and either eibach sportlines or tein s-techs, they’re pretty much teh same. If you want something adjustable i’m picking up an H&R springs and koni yello or tokico adjustable combo sometime before summer.

yeah thats what i m going for now - kyb gr2 and skunk2 springs… wats a good price for a used set?

get coilovers

Is it hard to cut and loop the lines? if not how would i go about doing so and what tools/ parts would i need to do it.