Hidden Valley Animal Adventure...pics!

Took the g/f here today, was both of our first times… they take you on a tractor ride (approx. 1 hour long) around their farm with all kinds of exotic animals… Emu, caribou, moose, ostrich, water buffalo, elk, texas long horns, TONS of animals, I’m sure I don’t even know 25% of the names of them. We went around noon and there was hardly anyone there, but it started to fill up on our way back. The few kids who were with us LOVED it, def. a great place to take the family. I think its $15/person, they also have food (an amazing lodge and a smaller place to get burgers, fries, soda, ice cream, ect.) they provide you with cups of grain to feed the animals. While you can’t get off and pet the bigger animals, they come right up to the trolley. There’s also a smaller petting zoo with camels, donkeys, mini horses, goats, pheasants, ect. Def. worth the drive for families or kids :tup::tup:

zoo 038 by K.Brunelle, on Flickr

zoo 069 by K.Brunelle, on Flickr

zoo 083 by K.Brunelle, on Flickr

zoo 133 by K.Brunelle, on Flickr

zoo 057 by K.Brunelle, on Flickr

zoo 022 by K.Brunelle, on Flickr

Do they ever allow you to hunt/eat these delicious beings?

that zebra looks like a bad mfer lol.

did any of them try to eat your camera? where is this place?

Varysburg, NY…about 1-1.5 hrs from rochester. No one tried to eat it, but the water buffalo got it caked in mud :picard:

I’ve been wanting to go to this place since I heard about it maybe a month ago. I’ll have to go before the end of summer.

Stopped here a few times over the winter on snowmachines, pretty cool place. The food is meh in the upstairs restaurant, but the menu has some pretty interesting things on it.

I went to school with the girl who’s family runs this. I guess her father / grandfather are the ones that started it and run it, seems like an interesting place for sure.

I was wondering what the hell you were talking about when you txt’d me that the water buffalo got your camera all muddy. LMAO

We went to african lion safari when I was a little kid…
Monkeys really do jump all over you car.

and we have a GMC safari with the fold out windows, while we were looking out the driver side of the van, there was an emu trying to stick his head in the foldout part of the window to get some of my brothers food.
my brother turned around and saw him there and screamed so loud… lol.
These kind of things are super fun. for real.
It’s like going to the zoo but for lazy people.
love it.

Ive been there too! its near 20A and 98. They guy who owns it also owns the giant dairy farm on 20A before the hill on the way out of varysburg. Pretty awesome place. That ostrich was crazy. Did you get to see “Happy?”

I have seen a zebra on 20A before… maybe it was that guys Lol.

Looks pretty cool

Now THAT would be a WTF? moment!