High Fructose Corn Syrup

HFCS is 55% fructose and 45% glucose. Thus, if HFCS is carcinogenic, then so is sugar. Sugar (sucrose) is made up of a molecule of glucose and a molecule of fructose chemically bonded together. This bond is quite weak, and is cleaved in your saliva and in your stomach, so by the time it gets absorbed into your system, it is already broken down into the glucose and fructose molecules. Thus, every dose of ordinary sugar is equal to a half dose of glucose and a half dose of fructose. HFCS gives you almost the same dose of each of these simple sugars.

i used to work int eh R&D department at Del Monte which uses hfcs in just about every product aside from pet food products, and study upon study came across my desk on this subject.

i cant get on that website you linked to here at work cause for some reason its blocked and content is pornography (gay ass fortigard) but all im sayin is check the validity of yoru information. theres alot of ‘opinion’ out there vs actual fact. I dont wanna start a big argument casue everyone forms their own opinion on this and believe me we used to hear them all at del monte but the fact of the matter is its in everything these days and if you dont like it then cook your own food and use fresh products. hfcs is NOT making people obese…neither is mcdonalds…neither is wendys…poor dieting habbits and no exercise is! Im not gonna lie i eat like shit b/c mainly im always runnin around somewhere, but i hit the gym jsut about everyday and as of tuesday im only at 7.7 percent body fat. so it just goes to show you that exercise makes a huge difference… and anyone that says they dont have time to is full of shit! sorry tho thats a whole nother rant! anyway thats my .02 cents … jus tbe careful where you get your info. ok…im done