High-Powered Vehicles Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2009

It won’t end street racing. It just means street racing will be slower.

Let her know how you feel:

DC Address: The Honorable Carolyn McCarthy
United States House of Representatives
106 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-3204
DC Phone: 202-225-5516
DC Fax: 202-225-5758

You can email her here:
Select NY from the drop down, enter zip 11530-3301

Longer races… hmmm more to see? lol this list sucks DICK! Even smart cars would be banned!

btw i wonder how much of the taxpayers money was wasted creating this ridiculous thing

Her own webpage:



ewwwww. I feel bad for her husband. I bet he owns fast cars to avoid her and that it why she wants them banned.


Is this a joke or something?

Who could seriously think this would work? Damn prius owners…

and work well with the transportation/construction industry.

No need for a 55 mph speed limit on the thruway anymore.

Lol fork lifts would be banned!

I wonder if her car is on the list??? I bet it is

wow, what a dumb xunt lol sadly, I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to see something like this pass. MAKE SURE you let her know that you don’t support it

What is worse is that we really pay people to draft this shit. What a serious waste of tax dollars.

If such a law did pass, wouldn’t there be some sort of grandfather clause to allows currently modified vehicles to be exempt?

hahahahaha malibu ftw! lol

this would hurt the economy, no way of doing commercial work without trucks, no way of towing shit, are they banning tractor trailers?

everyone should go send a message to this lady or someone to laugh at her and tell her how big of a joke she is.


This is NY for ya… where the residents are just as stupid as the people we elect.

So, im confused…

The list contains right around 100% of the cars on the road. Do we all need to buy a new ‘approved’ vehicle and junk ever other car?

of course there will be exemptions and gray areas

a bill that would put thousands of people out of work. Good idea america

that list just goes to show how much research she really did. 5 dollars says she just searched google for “vehicle names” and used ones from her youth