High-Powered Vehicles Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2009

This woman hates gun owners as well, she has been well known to fuck with them when ever possible. She just got sued for it recently as well.

fucking daft bitch…

i’ll be writing her later

(iv) a fuel capacity of larger than 5 gallons.

What the fuck? This bitch should be punched in the head.

Her car list is composed of what the actors in the fast and the furious have driven. What a lame joke.

i’m pretty sure that section was for boats?

The current congress is the 110th

The current congress is the 110th

The current congress is the 110th

Yes it was, but boats would have to be under 25HP too.

I would love to see a 35’ boat with a 25HP motor on it :lol:

This Bill makes no sense at all… what the hell was going on in her mind! or lack there of i guess. This lady must be an extreme tree hugger. either that or she needed to make a name for her self so she saw an article on street racing or some suv rolling over and decided to ban them all.

I can’t see a bill like this ever passing. especially right now. the auto industry as it is right now is drowning and every other compnany that it touches as well. after market parts is a huge industry to try and take down too. Prohabition ended a long time ago lady.

AND 10 years for street racing! f that.

i love how regular civics arent mentioned


this is a joke right?



lol pulling a skier or wakeboarder or tubing with a 25hp engine! ahahahahaha

“speed up, im sinking” “im given her all shes got, i just cant dooo-it”

[rx3]I’m all for this[/rx3]

It is there

What no EVO??? lol

what a moron, someone please assassinate her ass

yea but it has a turbocharger so its axed too haha

Sweet…my sunfire GT and Ford Explorer are fine except for the hp :frowning:

to prove how poor her research was in listing all the makes/models, i like how the sentra se-r is not on that list , yet the infiniti g20 is

Shush Jay…she is a woman…she doesnt have to know what she is talking about to get people to listen.

OHHHHH the humanity…waaaahhhhh

/sandy vag