High-Powered Vehicles Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2009

you guys actually think that this is real?

Duh…its on the internetz

Omg thats real, sounds more like a total joke!

Im glad no one reads…115th congress…and we are only on 110…

that would never pass. Besides the street racers would just buy mini vans and start on road demolition derbys instead.

…so this is fake then huh

I really thought it was a joke.

Someone had a lot of free time to write that up if its fake.
If it was real, she’d be getting alot of hate mail.

I assumed it was fake as soon as they started naming car models.

in a striking story today, the value of late 80’s Chrysler minivans tripled over night.

find out what kind of car she drives. if its something listed then she would have to get rid of it. we all know politicians wont do anything that will affect them

anything more than 150 hp…haha…thats most of the cars on the road…cept the geo metros and such

I think my Sunfire will still be street legal.

lol, someone is just using her name and made this all up.

grand am 2.4 se 150 hp 155 torques.

man, this is going to be epic.

wait were motorcycles on there?

`(I) A motorcycle of larger than 200 cc displacement.

I really want to laugh, A LOT, but this kind of scares me.

Basically we buy the 10 or 12 cars NOT on the list, and CANNOT modify them in any way (not like we’d like to). No rims, no stickers, NOTHING.

:lol: I was going through the list trying to find a hole…I was like, Grand National! They don’t have it liste…FUCK. Supra! They don’t have my ca…FUCK. Wtf, Skyline? OK fine, I’ll get a Lotus for the handli…WTF!!!

Stupid Cunt. Get to work:


lol, not buying it