how is 396/473 low?
You can make a Minivan with 375WHP. Still NOT COOL.
For the “highest numbers in the world” on this engine/car?
shit, drop some cookie cutter parts on any other car and you can make the same numbers. Example: 1.6 liter honda will make that all day without a problem and that is out of a grocery getter.
ok now is when i tellz da haterz go munch on a cock
he’s not even putting out 100hp/liter …that’s what a honda does STOCK with out forced induction.
im listening dude im not being an asshat explain yourself… but strait up hating on it is gay… im not comparing it to a honda or a zr1.
396 / 3.1 = 127 hp per liter.
just promise yours will do better. how hard can it be?
finding someone to tune that thing is hard to begin with.
Hell no!
theirs guys making nearly 500rwhp on bone stock 3.8’s.
already got 2, and both are real supremes not those ghey ass fwd ones:Idiots
Given several imports with 3.0L are pushing near 1000WHP or more, it’s not really impressive. But, it is a GM and a Grand Prix. It’s like a retard bowling a 300 game.
this is true and thank you. I wasnt really trying to compare but now that you have, lets get some 3.0 (approx) import numbers at 11 psi because im kinda curious now.
with equal turbos that comparison would work butits apples and oranges.
id love to see a video, and a data log of this car.
It’s a pointless exercise as supporting mods can alter the outcome.
Why 11PSI? Why not 31PSI?
He’ll have videos soon and im not doubting that.
shawn what are these supporting mods? methanol injection? With retuning he is hoping for 450whp on the same PSI and is showing no sign of needing that yet. Eventually the car will be tuned for a 17psi dyno run on 110.
Any. I made 375AWHP on my 15G setup pushed to the max but 46XAWHP at the same boost level with a different turbo setup without pushing it. That’s a huge difference. It would have been bigger if I added more mods.