Highway Masterbation

This quote made me LOL:

“At over 90 miles per hour, he had his penis out [the window]… he was masturbating… and that’s when it got really, really bad.”


This guy should get an award, lol. :ohnoes:

soooooo you’re saying you’ve never wacked off while driving?

always wanted to try this

pics or it didn’t happen

If he was doing 90 how did any of these women actually see anything. If you’re doing the speed limit there is like 2s worth of time where he’d be flying by.

Props to this man. I can’t believe this is actually a case haha.


soooo, if he was doing 90, then she would also have to be doing 90 to see all that?

this is epic

“It’s important to make that report because if you don’t, they’re gonna feel that they can continue that offense and continue victimizing more females. And that might be your best friend, your daughter, your mother, your aunt, your niece. And you need to make that report because that’s what’s going to eventually stop that type of behavior,” Christian said.

The logic of this person must be subjected to a reward.

She was doing 90 while finger blasting her swap hole and was offended that she saw him wacking his Johnson around like it owed him money.

I would laugh so hard if I saw someone jerking off while driving.

While staring at you intently?

Elliot Spritzer’s long lost cousin? I know that drinking and driving is illegal, this guy was wanking and driving, at 90 MPH. That’s impressive. Only if the guy had window tint.



He should have been going faster.