Hil Rod, Mac attack and Barak last night

Good god, did you guys catch that idiocy on tv last night? Just when I thought those idiots couldnt put tgheir foot in their mouth any further. BAM! we get this. And the wrestling puns? :crackup oh my freakking gord! One of them is going to be President? :runaway :runaway :runaway :runaway :runaway Japan or Europe, here I come!


I’m going to Canadia

not far enough, Benny. Its just not far enough! :runaway

canadia…sounds like a fun place…gotaa be better than havin them for president…

OMFG…i just read the article…is the presidential campain a fuckin circus now…is it who can make the biggest ass out of themselves, and make more fuckin retards go “hey i reckon i like this pursen, there real funny like, i think i’ll vote fur them er somethin”…

The battle between Clinton/Barak is on par with the Republic mud slinging.

To be honest, I like McCain but the fact that he is was born in the 19th century and the only mindset he has is war is reason to pass. Not a very good choice but at least a Dem has a shot.

19th? He changed Jesus’ diapers.

If not, damn close. :smiley:

Ron Paul or Ralph Nader ;D ::slight_smile:

here is the youtube link…this is pathetic…