Hillary is running for president


Added to the resume? How about:

“Used state that I don’t give a shit about as a stepping stone for my career”.

As for voting “not-bush”, good plan, since he can’t run again :wink:

Yep, I can’t lose!

I already know she’s a carpetbagger, but the only thing the media has covered enough for me to not be able to avoid is her making a joke of her husband’s infidelity to avoid discussing why she’s qualified to deal with “evil and bad.”

She must have something going for her, as I have read some people on here who seem to be intelligent supporting her. I just want a few facts.

I was reading an piece on her speach at some campaign thing. Some vet asked her about her views on Iraq and all she did was go off about some health plan for vets. :gotme:

Can you please post the speach/question? Otherwise this doesn’t really mean anything.

:lol: @ Jeg’s title :rofl:

yeah… no way in hell is that hole going to win. You know the dems. are secretly going to be praying that she doesn’t win in the primaries. Although, honestly the only people I can actually see voting for her are left wing young women (20-35). Even the majority of her own party doesn’t like her :stuck_out_tongue:

damn would it be funny though to see slick Willie as the first ever, first man :rofl:

If Hillary does get elected, does she automatically get thrown into the “ghoul pool”?:shoot:


:word: I want to hate her. Someone give me a real reason.

If you like guns at all prepare to surrender them all. She is very anti-gun and has been pushing legislation in NY for some time to make it harder and harder to posess them.

My god stop being so paranoid. Any law that gets passed concerning guns can not make it illegal to own a gun if you bought the gun befor the law was passed. Thats Ex Post Facto 101. Secondly national gun legislation has always been extremely difficult if not impossible to pass.

And honestly if this is the only reason why you don’t like her you seriously need to wake up. There are more important issues concerning the country than your ability to buy a gun.

Gotta keep and bear arms to fend off all them muslim lite-bright attacks…

Some reasons I hate her. There are more, but I do have work to get done today:

  1. She wants universal health care.

Sure, it sounds great, but all you have to do is look at the mess NY is in with Medicaid and Healthy New York to see what happens to your ecomony when you try to provide free health care.

  1. She’s big on the whole, “The violence in movies, tv, and games is what’s wrong with today’s kids”.

I’m sorry, what’s wrong with today’s kids is today’s parents. End of story.

  1. She took a political trip to Iraq (I’ll skip the fact that I can’t see how that’s helping me here in NYS, since she’s supposed to be working for me) only to come back and suggest that there is a political and economic solution to the violence in Iraq.

What? Ok, first, they don’t have an economy right now. And politically they’re fighting for their lives to keep that fledgling democracy alive.

  1. Other than being married to a president, what qualifications does she really have for the job? You can’t really put NY Senator on her resume because as we’ve already admitted, she hasn’t done much as a NY Senator other than work on her bid for her next job.

I agree that universal healthcare is a bad idea. Everyone would have it and it would suck. See Canada.

She went to Iraq? Any other senators do the same?

Anybody in support of her want to offer some reasons why she doesn’t suck?

Yeah, pro universal health care people constantly point to Canada as a shining example of how great it is. The funny thing is, none of them live there. They don’t pay the GST, PST and FuckYouInTheAssST taxes that Canadians do to pay for that “free” healthcare so it’s easy for them to look across the border and claim it’s a great system.

One of my co-workers married a Canadian, lives over there, and has dual citizenship. He can use their free health care whenever he wants. Yet he still pays my company to be included in their health insurance here in NY. I asked him about it and he response was, “Sometimes I actually want to be able to see a doctor, in a reasonable amount of time, so paying for it here is better than getting it for free there”.

Don’t believe my real world example? How about this:

So, ignoring all the other reasons why I don’t like Hillary, that one thing is enough for me to pledge to NEVER vote for her, and to advise any of my friends to do the same. Trying to implement a universal health care system in the US, with our out of control malpractice, fraud and high drug costs would cripple the economy and health care system faster than any terrorist could ever dream, killing people and the economy in one swipe of the legislative pen.

Give me a candidate who has a real plan to lower the cost of health care, who wants to give businesses incentives to provide health care for employees. Find me one who wants to cap medical liability, and bring down drug costs. I know it won’t be Hillary.

Just because other countries have had problems with universal healthcare doesn’t mean we would have the same. Its not right that millions of Americans can’t go and see a doctor because they can’t afford the health insurence.

I think that we are a tad bit better and stronger than Canada or any other country with Universal Health Care. I think that we can make it work. Its a shame you guys think we are at the same level as those countries but whatever.

And as far as her stance on “The violence in movies, tv, and games is what’s wrong with today’s kids”. Give me a break, look at what the FCC has done in the past 6 years under Bush. Where is your complaint for that?

Who cares if she went to Iraq, her job is to vote on acts at the federal level. If she is going to vote on bills that affect Iraq maybe she wants to get a little hands on experience with what is going on there. I would call that being responcible.

And as far as her qualifications. She is just as qualified as any other person on the ballot.

Actually, if you did some research on it, universal health care is much more likely to fail here than in Canada.

  1. We have a much larger poor population.

  2. We are a nation of fat asses who think going to McDonalds 5 times a week and skipping the “supersize” is a diet.

I agree, millions of people with no health care is not right. If you work full time you should be able to afford to buy health insurance. The key there is you have to work, and you have to pay for it. The government should help your employer find ways to allow you to pay for health care for a reasonable rate; through tax incentives, cost cutting measures etc. But the government shouldn’t just give it away.

This is what scares me about liberals. They make blind statements like, “I think the US could do a better job” and then go out and vote for these policies. That’s how NY got to be the highest taxed state in the country. People said, “Letting more people use Medicaid for more things sounds like a good idea” and voted for it. No plan, no way to pay for it, just, “sounds good to me”. Eventually someone has to pay for it though, and since the government doesn’t make money, we end up paying for it.

Insanity - Doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. Your argument that it can work here despite the fact that it sucks in a similar country is because we’re better and stronger than Canada?

Well I guess a lot of people will just be out of luck then. Since more and more employers are finding it impossible to have health care plans. With the price of plans going through the roof the number of people paying for plans out of pocket is dwindleing. I know I’v tried. The idea of incentives and cost cutting is not somthing I believe will fix this problem. It would be like handing someone a bandaid for a gunshot wound. The system is too fucked for those plans to work. It might have worked 20 years ago but not now. Our entire health care system needs to be revamped. And if you think the HMO’s will do the revamping think again, because they won’t.

We can make it work, or at least we should try.