Hillary is running for president

Because we have a different system than canada, make more money than canada. And we don’t need to use thier system to create universal health care.

So no its not repeating.

:lol: Your logic keeps getting worse and worse.

You admit that the system is so expensive that incentives for purchasing affordable health care will never work, but you still want the government to just give it away. Where do you think the government is going to get the money to pay into the system you just admitted is too expensive?

Seriously, I’m done with this arguement and this thread. I made my post in response to BikerFry’s question about why people hate Hillary. I made my logical arguement about healthcare, which he seems to agree with, so maybe one more person will think twice about Hillary. With you though it’s like talking to a wall. The wall isn’t going to change it’s position, and it’s clearly not smart enough to listen to reason. So peace, I’m out.

No I think the government can do it cheaper.

Nice write up on it: http://www.amsa.org/uhc/CaseForUHC.pdf

But your right this topic is getting out of hand. You have more or less told me why you hate her and thats all I wanted to know.