hippies go to far in cali

Well perhaps I should boycott the local coffee shop when I read an article that says caffeine can cause miscarriages, but I think we’re all a little more intelligent than that.

If they’re mad that kids believe what recruiters tell them, and can’t make sound decisions for themselves, they should be upset with the public school system, not the recruiters.

If they don’t want to let the Military recruit there, I say they take a trip to Tijuana and see if they enjoy living without U.S. protection. Freaking hippy fags make me sick. They don’t understand the consequences of their own actions. We have an all volunteer force, do they want mandatory military service? Banning recruiting will push us in that direction.

The local recruiter didn’t give the unconstitutional order to sent troops into Iraq. These protesters use the same logic as the morons who boycott the businesses of legal immigrants from Spanish speaking countries thinking that it will somehow fix the illegal immigration problem.

The problem with America is stupid, and thus far we have no solution for that problem, our education system is making it worse.