hippies go to far in cali

Well perhaps I should boycott the local coffee shop when I read an article that says caffeine can cause miscarriages, but I think we’re all a little more intelligent than that.

If they’re mad that kids believe what recruiters tell them, and can’t make sound decisions for themselves, they should be upset with the public school system, not the recruiters.

If they don’t want to let the Military recruit there, I say they take a trip to Tijuana and see if they enjoy living without U.S. protection. Freaking hippy fags make me sick. They don’t understand the consequences of their own actions. We have an all volunteer force, do they want mandatory military service? Banning recruiting will push us in that direction.

The local recruiter didn’t give the unconstitutional order to sent troops into Iraq. These protesters use the same logic as the morons who boycott the businesses of legal immigrants from Spanish speaking countries thinking that it will somehow fix the illegal immigration problem.

The problem with America is stupid, and thus far we have no solution for that problem, our education system is making it worse.

you’re still missing the point that this is a political message, and has nothing to do with the recruiters themselves, IMHO.

I get that, but they’re wasting their efforts and diverting the argument from their true disagreement. If they would expend energy trying to make the servant government stop wasting billions overseas, I’d back them. But instead they will make the government spend more, opposing them in some jibba jabba local court BS. Whether the recruiter stays or goes won’t get us out of Iraq…so they’re wasting time at best, completely confused pinko hippy fags at worst.

You do make a valid point, but please stop calling them hippies just because they are against the war. :wink:

I use that word because of their anti-military sentiment. War should always be a last resort, but to be prepared for it, and to be willing to go to that length when necessary is imperative in the preservation of freedom. I can’t stand these people that want to live in a perfect world with no guns, no drugs, no sickness, no free thought.

Any conformity has to be under constant scrutiny, else you become…

Is the war, at this point, more of an “occupation”? Yes. Are soldiers now coming from all over the middle east to blow themselves, and perhaps anyone within 100 yards, whether they’re Shiite, Sunni, Christian, blah blah blah, up? (Yeah, for 72 virgins…That isn’t ANYWHERE in the Koran)…Would we be better served by the troops being home? Ask the people who were in Katrina where the LA national Guard is…

I think the people in Berkeley would change their tune if a natural disaster of massive proportions hit their little town, or there was an uprising of the Mexican population that basically cuts their lawns and cleans their rich, white houses…Because the National Guard usually is the first to go in. And sometimes it might be the Marines if they’re closer.

States get federal highway funding taken away if they don’t conform certain DUI laws to “standard”. School districts get funds taken away if test scores are too low. Cities get funding for Law Enforcement taken away if corruption is eminent.

I think the “Semper-Fi” bill is just what these Rich, old school Hippies (who all turned “Yuppie” in the 80’s) need.

These 60 year old peace loving, tie dye wearing, guitar strumming idiots don’t realize that younger people are, without a doubt, more conservative than they could ever imagine. I’m not saying sheep-y “neo-con”, that’s for people in their 40’s-50’s who listen to Rush Limbaugh…BAAAAAAAA! But, we see where our money goes, which, for those of you counting, ISN’T in our pockets. We see three generations of welfare recipients with it instead. WE ARE NO LONGER THE MIDDLE CLASS, there really isn’t one if you’re under 40. The military is just…Right for some people. It’s a choice, just like being a Vegan-y, patchouli smellin, peace love flashing relic of the 60’s.

It’s fuckin’ Berkley. The hippiest of hippy ass towns. I hate that town.


Nicely put sir.

so many adjectives!!! :scared:


I’ll take a well-informed, motivated hippie over some ignorant redneck who chooses their president by who loves jesus and hates fags the most any day of the week.

sounds like someone didnt get a reacharound last night. :hsugh:

i know we should not be in Iraq, but that is not the troops fault for being there. its the presidents. soo once again. to say a troop is not welcome anywhere, is bullshit. they are doing a job just like the rest of us are, and like most of us, with a shitty ass boss.

Anyone want to start a fund raiser (or contribute) to a fund to send Suicide bombers to Berkley?

How about just a sign that says “Suicide Bombers Welcome Here!” planted fairly close to the protestors?

I’d be happy to pay for your ticket out there!


I say we just cut them off, remove military protection, cut all federal subsidies, then notify Mexico and assorted 3rd world countries.

They’ll come back crying in 72 hours.

i didn’t read all three pages of this because about 5 posts in darkfag posted so i knew the thread would go to shit…anyways, these people are trying to get the same people out of “their” town that give them the right to protest without getting there faced smashed in, and i’m so sick of hearing the i support the troops but i don’t support war…whether you want to face it or not our job is war and that’s what we do cuz there are bad people out there.

just my .02

another another note that relates to this kind of bs…i was standing in the airport terminal the other day at pittsburgh waiting to pick up my dad and i was in uniform because it was like 9:30 and i have these two little kids walk up to me and say thank you to me, now prolly because there grandmother they were with told them but, that’s a reason why there is a recruiter “badgering” folks in highschool and a recruiter in just about every mall and a recruiter making an effort to have people enlist because people like those two kids may need protection at some point in time.

Palestineans stap bombs to their kids. Lets go execute them. Chechen rebels take kids hostage and murder them. Rwanda. Darfur. THE HOLOCAUST. Saddam Hussein gassed his own people in 1987. We didnt do anything about it until he fucked with Kuwait. And even then all we did was go in as far as we needed to protect our oil. We gave Osama Bin Laden guns, money, training, supplies. We installed the shah in Iran. We installed Saddam in Iraq.
We knew the holocaust was going on and did nothing. But then again, it’s not like we didnt commit genocide, and enslave half a continent for our own use.

You’re right. There are lots of bad people out there. why aren’t we in these other places, or why didnt we do anything about them? Why do we only care about the bad people that are sitting on top of oil fields?

because people like those two kids may need protection at some point in time.

if only we had some sort of GUARD on a NATIONAL level that were in place to help THESE people. Oh thats right. Since we have to have a military, we might as well use it. This 12 gauge shotgun I have here has been just wasting away in the gun cabinet. I think maybe I’ll just take it with me and randomly blast some people that I determine are doing things that I dont like. God you are a fucking idiot.

I agree with what you’re saying. We have to have a strong military to protect our liberty in the event that it comes under attack. However that does not mean I have to agree with our foreign policy.

Where is Osama Bin Laden? We gave up that search in the caves after about 2 weeks. 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, why are we only in Iraq? Bush said “Mission Accomplished” after they knocked down the Sadaam statues, but 2 years later we had a “surge.”

We’re so busy keeping America safe by protecting the borders of Kuwait, Iraq, Korea and Germany, that we’ve left our back(south) door wide open and it’s literally a joke to the point where the Mexican government gives GPS units to people who want to make the trip across the border.

Our foreign policy needs some serious work. I’d love to see our troops guarding our own borders and going home more often, spending way less on flights, food, transportation and taking less bullets, but the current congress has sent our forces to the other side of the globe at the expense of the security of our own borders here at home.

I support our troops, they do their job and they do it well, but I will continue to disagree with our foreign policy until it mirrors that which the founding fathers intended and the Constitution dictates.

blame katrina on the fuckin incompetant mayor of NO and the leaders of LA.