hippies go to far in cali

Katrina never hit new orleans. The goverment fabbed it up like 9/11

Darkstar: you never cease to amaze me…are you thankful for anything you have or just like to bitch about everything?

people don’t like it when they can see the military carrying weapons here at home :hsugh:



I don’t like seeing my tax dollars wasted. In fact, people don’t like paying taxes either…since when does that impact how the government acts?

Besides,it’s not like we need Military patrolling the streets, they’d be in remote areas of the desert. Believe me, nobody who pays taxes would be complaining, ok, a few might, but the majority of the people would be ecstatic.

what the hell is the mayor and governor going to do? Half the police deserted, the other half were holed up in their stations in defensive positions. What were they supposed to do? This is the exact situation in which the national guard is needed, and it took them a week to get there. They found out how bad it was by watching CNN. It was fucking (and still is) disgraceful. Bodies floating for over a week in a major US city.


is that the heiniken looter?


before the aftermath its was local officials that were in charge. that dumb ass mayor had a few thousand school busses at his disposal and time to get people the hell outta that city and he did nothing!. Who’s fault is it the police didnt do their job, hmmmm president bush i bet is ur answer.

You’re doing a heck of a job, Brownie. :ugh2:

It could of been 100 times worse if nearly the whole town left in school buses.
The navigation of Norleans interstates and routes suck ass.

The wind damage was severe and would have toppled the buses into many water areas.

That whole location is a fucking joke, Live in a bath tub for all i care.

anyone that thinks that taking a week to get federal help to N.O. is crazy. We had the 82nd airborne in Sri Lanka in less than 24 hours after the tsunami. But we cant get aid to one of our own major cities, even after all of this “preparedness” we’ve been accomplishing due to the 9/11 attacks. Our government is a fucking joke.

LA is a joke more than others in politics.
Google the Previous governors and see how much they wasted $$$


It shouldn’t be the job of the federal government to save all the morons who decided to live below sea level right next to the ocean.

That would be like Pittsburghers living on the edge of Mt. Washington with cracked foundations and waiting for the Feds to save them every time a house falls down the hill.

New Orleans is a joke of a town, and the whole idea of living below sea level right next to the ocean is ridiculous.

Our government is a joke, but not for the reasons you suggested.

Well duh…

The 82nd Airborne can deploy anywhere around the globe in less than 18 hours.

And oh by the way I can’t take you up on your offer of a ticket to Berkley. I refuse to use made in China switches for the detonator on my suicide bomber suit.

It wouldn’t do any good anyways. Shortly after the US government rounded up all the suspected terrorists in the Taliban, several people living in California offered to board them instead of sending them to the prison. Fuckers…

So it’s the federal government that builds the levees that are supposed to protect my city, but when they fail the government should just let my city turn into a great big bowl of dead nigger soup?

That would be like Pittsburghers living on the edge of Mt. Washington with cracked foundations and waiting for the Feds to save them every time a house falls down the hill.
No, it wouldn’t.

New Orleans is a joke of a town, and the whole idea of living below sea level right next to the ocean is ridiculous.

Our government is a joke, but not for the reasons you suggested.

YOu do realize that the majority of the population of the United States lives in fairly low lying coastal areas. If a big ass hurricane managed to get north enough and blasted Norfolk, Washington DC, Baltimore, NYC, Boston, etc. I doubt you’d be saying the same thing.

The Army Corps of Engineers built the levees and stated they would only withstand a category 3 hurricane. Katrina came and broke them, a category 4 hurricane.

Trying to live below sea level next to the ocean is a preposterous idea. Anyone who lived in that soup bowl needs to have their head checked, and anyone who moved back in should be checked into a mental hospital.

I don’t care what hurricane hits where. We’re 10 Trillion in debt, bailing people out who choose to put themselves in harm’s way is not the job of the federal government. We subsidized those people’s insurance with our rates for decades, now the companies got smart, raised coastal rates and stopped issuing policies in many areas.

Fix the levees after they break…I guess that’s ok, although everyone knew they could only hold back the ocean for so long. I’m sorry, everyone with an IQ over 80 who cared to pay attention knew. Know the risks of where you live and stop relying on the Federal Government to save you.

i’m not talking about government bailouts for housing and that shit. I’m talking about the federal government standing by while people DIED. They did nothing to save lives and restore order for almost a week. This is unacceptable.

I can see your point, but there were some serious problems there, pollution, bacteria, disease, etc.

It wasn’t exactly as bad as Chernobyl, but the people who first responded to help with that mess/fire, all died a few days or weeks later. It’s important to know the danger and risks before sending in aid, otherwise it just creates more problems.

We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
-Albert Einstein

/New Orleans Disc

so Anderson Cooper is more badass than our armed forces? Outstanding.