hippies go to far in cali

One guy showing up with a whole staff supporting him does not constitute badass. By your measure Paris Hilton is way more badass than you will ever be.

Our armed forces are trained to be the deadliest fighting force in the world, not a rescue force. They don’t practice saving people from a flooded area that is, in case I forgot to mention this already, below sea level and right next to the ocean.

^^^ Coast Guard is.

True, but they are not DOD. They were DOT, but now they’re Dept of Homeland Security.

I don’t care what hurricane hits where. We’re 10 Trillion in debt, bailing people out who choose to put themselves in harm’s way is not the job of the federal government. We subsidized those people’s insurance with our rates for decades, now the companies got smart, raised coastal rates and stopped issuing policies in many areas.

Fix the levees after they break…I guess that’s ok, although everyone knew they could only hold back the ocean for so long. I’m sorry, everyone with an IQ over 80 who cared to pay attention knew. Know the risks of where you live and stop relying on the Federal Government to save you.

Exactly! I’m not a hardcore “let 'em starve” type, but at the same time we need to discourage extreme nanny-state crap like this.

nagan sucked at his job, then cried gimmie gimmie gimmie and the stupid asses re-elected him.

![http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/katrina 2.jpg](http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/katrina 2.jpg)

All of those are air force, marine, army, and coast guard helicopters. It’s not as simple as just saying we need to rescue millions of people lets go do it. Look at the city in the pictures I mean christ you act like it would be just so simple to send in the military and rescue millions of people in a city that is underwater. My unit alone sent half of our security forces down to help when katrina happened and we are an air refueling unit. Darkfag has no clue on how things actually works he just reads the newspaper and thinks he’s so smart. What is his background I’d sure like to see where all of his expertise is coming from?

This thread once again has turned into a cluster fuck of darkstar bullshit, crying and moaning, i want more from my government but i clean pools and i’m not actively doing anything to change the way things are but ill bitch all day about them. Take the persons advice and go clean that big ass pool in chile or venezuela wherever the hell it is.

Weren’t people shooting at the helicopters trying to rescue them?

niggaz iz crazy!

you’re aiming to get back on my shit list again, aren’t you?

I dont give a flying mother fuck what they are trained to do. Sean Penn wasn’t trained to do either. They should have been down there within 24 hours. No if’s and’s or but’s. It’s not rocket science. Motherfucker is stuck on a roof. Get a boat and get him out. How much fucking training do you need for that? Up you ass with your “but there was possible disease and bacteria in the area that had to be studied first” bullshit.

sean penn drives a g-body… geah!

Yes it is. It was only water. I think human kind mastered that shit a while ago with these motherfucking things called boats. But what if it was a terrorist attack? I thought the federal government was on this shit? We had 5 days of a heads up that the most severe hurricane in the history of hurricanes was bearing down on the gulf coast, and we STILL FUCKED UP, HORRIBLY. Lord only knows how many lost their lives because the federal government sat around with their thumbs up their assholes.


ook at the city in the pictures I mean christ you act like it would be just so simple to send in the military and rescue millions of people in a city that is underwater. My unit alone sent half of our security forces down to help when katrina happened and we are an air refueling unit. Darkfag has no clue on how things actually works he just reads the newspaper and thinks he’s so smart. What is his background I’d sure like to see where all of his expertise is coming from?

There were civilian groups comprised of random people that were down there for DAYS helping people out and saving lives. Yes, it is that fucking simple to get down there and save some fucking lives. I dont give two fucking rats asses about what your fucking unit sent down there.

This thread once again has turned into a cluster fuck of darkstar bullshit, crying and moaning, i want more from my government but i clean pools and i’m not actively doing anything to change the way things are but ill bitch all day about them. Take the persons advice and go clean that big ass pool in chile or venezuela wherever the hell it is.

FEMA fucking sucks. You fucking suck. Our military fucking sucks. Our government fucking sucks.

and he’s apparantly more able to help out in a time of crisis than FEMA and our military. How fucking scary is that?

Cry me a river man. Did your dog die in Katrina or something? It was awful, stop trying to blame people.

The celebs showed up and helped, did a few photo ops, that’s life. Did you go help?

For a nation that was promised that the billions of tax dollars that were getting us “prepared” for something such as a terrorist attack, our national response to an emergency that we had a 5 day warning for failed miserably. I don’t really give a fuck if you have a problem with me blaming people. If you’ve got your head so far up your ass that you dont see the massive fail with this whole situation on pretty much every level imaginable, it’s hard for me to take you seriously.

You always know how everything sucks, but I haven’t heard how you’d fix this particular problem. How would President Darkstar handle it?

Maybe if you come up with something other than “The government sucks and is screwing us over” people might take you seriously.

what did you do during katrina? :dunno:

looks like you don’t like it here so why don’t you leave? oh wait you love all the nice things you have in life here in the united states

President Darkstar wouldn’t have waited a week to get the National Guard into New Orleans. President Darkstar wouldn’t have had half of the national guard troops in Iraq. President Darkstar would hold beat90tsi as an enemy combatant indefinately.

Unfortunately my occupation at the time did not lend itself to allowing me to go down there, but my roomate at the time did, and I gave him $100 for gas and supplies to get down there, and covered his rent for 3 months while he was down there helping out. Was it all that I would have liked to have been able to do? No. But then again, while I was working I was paying taxes to the government that sponsors this think called the Federal Emergency Management Agency that is supposed to take care of that shit for me. Of course, our idiot president appointed a horse show administrator to head said organization…

hindsight is always 20/20

you asshole is going to have a 20/20 view of my size 12 swinging towards it/effortlessly sliding into it’s monumental abyss.