hippies go to far in cali

Much like the Monday morning quarterbacks we have after every NFL game.

I’m surprised Darkstar didn’t go and help. He could have shared some of his professional expertise with cleaning up other people’s messes in the water.

if a dam on the Allegheny broke and Pittsburgh got inundated with 10’ of water, and there were thousands of dead Pittsburghers floating around town for a week while we were left abandoned, you might think a little differently about this.

and if the residents of new orleans would have paid attention to this little thing we have called the national weather service and got the fuck out before it hit like they were suggested to do they wouldn’t have been stuck in the city under water…your a tool you have something to bitch about in any thread that comes about.

just out of curiousity whens the last time you posted anything car related on this forum since this is a car related forum?

Many of them did. many of them could not leave for whatever reason. Either way the whole thing was a fucking disgrace.

just out of curiousity whens the last time you posted anything car related on this forum since this is a car related forum?

the last time that I made fun of your faggoty ass S2000.

isn’t the libetarian party all about personal responsibility?

If I saw that a hurricane was coming, I would get the fuck out. Other than the people strapped to beds in a hospital, everyone else should have been gone. I remember my brother getting out of Pensacola when he heard of the storm, he did not need some goverment official tell him to evacuate.

As far as the aftermath, I don’t know who to blame. I guess I would blame the local officials first, it’s their city.

And who the fuck would move to a coastal town that is below sea level in the first place?

Who the hell would want to work in skyscrapers most vulnerable to terrorist attack in the world? Guess those people all got what they deserved too, eh?

There are a multitude of reasons people stayed behind. Many of them were too old and just refused to go. Some wanted to try and protect their businesses and homes. Some were sick. Some had no other place to go and no real way to get out. many were probably just fucking idiots. Whatever the fuck the reasons they had for staying behind, they did. So we should just let them there to suffer for a week before doing anything to help them? We had no problem helping the Tsunami people. I mean, if you saw the ocean recedeing a half mile out than where it normally is, aint that a clue to run the other fucking way because that shit is gonna be coming back, and probably not as calmly as it left? These are American citizens. For better or worse, they deserved to be helped.

I am very much for personal responsibility. However, in the wake of a massive natural disaster such as this, governmental help is absolutely necessary.

It shouldn’t be about the cost, but the fact of life is that it is, we have to draw the line somewhere. If we could give every newborn a shot that would make them immune to every disease known to man, and the shot cost $9 Billion, you can bet your ass it wouldn’t happen, and that’s life.

In that coastal town, many people could not have been saved no matter what, largely due to their stupidity and stubbornness. Could they have done better, sure, but what do you expect when the federal government tries to help? Have you ever heard of Ruby Ridge?

Why aren’t you more upset that the national guard was going from house to house, stopping cars and boats, and seizing privately owned weapons? Saving people too slowly is unfortunate at worst. Blatantly violating the Constitution and disregarding the rights of citizens is a major problem.

exactly nothing else needs to be said

p.s. change your avatar because you have nothing what so ever in common with the people that started this great country where “don’t tread on me” began

i recall after katrina i donated on pittspeed to have darkstar banned because the proceeds went to the red cross.

This thread sucks.

don’t I? perhaps you could explain why. I’d be interested to hear you explain this point of view.

You bitch about everything, you have no sense of pride or honor, your a dumb ass, you have no background or experience in what you base any of your thoughts on.

What would be a better question is why you have that as your avatar?

We have a government that is powerhungry/inept/corrupt that serves it’s corporate masters, long since having forgot about the people it is supposed to serve… The fact that I take notice of this is un-American how?

you have no sense of pride or honor,

what you’re trying to say there is that I dont engage in blind nationalism. I doubt you even know what that term is, so look it up.

your a dumb ass,

I would happily accept any intellectual challenge you like to offer me. But you won’t, because you’re a stupid cunt and you know it.

you have no background or experience in what you base any of your thoughts on.

I have to have a background as an accountant to know that the taxes I pay are ridiculously high? I have to have a degree in emergency management to know what needs to be done to save people in a flooded city? All of this shit is common sense, which I have a fairly strong background in, since I can think for myself and don’t need Fox News to do it for me.

What would be a better question is why you have that as your avatar?

Because much like the times in which that flag was first flown, we are under the control of a tyrannical, oppressive, imperialistic government that has little compassion for the people it is supposed to be serving. I try to call attention to this through my “bitching”, but some people are just too fucking stupid to get it. Present company most notably included.

darkstar strikes again with his amazing ability to know everything :bowrofl: i give up

You lose.


never fails darkstar always wins it’s not fair

boohoo - if you can’t argue with him, don’t start an argument. I personally like arguing with Darkstar. :smiley:

I think darkstar has an “odd” way of showing his pride in the USA, but I think he means well. I agree with him that this country is very fucked up right now and has been for a long time and something very drastic has to happen before we follow down every superpower’s path in history(get powerful, get dumb, goverment abuses power, country folds from the inside, get taken over). But I also think that the best country out there right now is the US, even with all of the problems.

of course it’s the US, where else can you harass a redneck and him not do shit.

Your still a redneck :beer:

tru dat homie

the first thing you need to do is stop listening to Michael Savage. If that’s the guy who you get your views from, well… then you’ll never win. at anything, especially not life.