hippies go to far in cali

Palestineans stap bombs to their kids. Lets go execute them. Chechen rebels take kids hostage and murder them. Rwanda. Darfur. THE HOLOCAUST. Saddam Hussein gassed his own people in 1987. We didnt do anything about it until he fucked with Kuwait. And even then all we did was go in as far as we needed to protect our oil. We gave Osama Bin Laden guns, money, training, supplies. We installed the shah in Iran. We installed Saddam in Iraq.
We knew the holocaust was going on and did nothing. But then again, it’s not like we didnt commit genocide, and enslave half a continent for our own use.

You’re right. There are lots of bad people out there. why aren’t we in these other places, or why didnt we do anything about them? Why do we only care about the bad people that are sitting on top of oil fields?

because people like those two kids may need protection at some point in time.

if only we had some sort of GUARD on a NATIONAL level that were in place to help THESE people. Oh thats right. Since we have to have a military, we might as well use it. This 12 gauge shotgun I have here has been just wasting away in the gun cabinet. I think maybe I’ll just take it with me and randomly blast some people that I determine are doing things that I dont like. God you are a fucking idiot.