hippies go to far in cali

I agree with what you’re saying. We have to have a strong military to protect our liberty in the event that it comes under attack. However that does not mean I have to agree with our foreign policy.

Where is Osama Bin Laden? We gave up that search in the caves after about 2 weeks. 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, why are we only in Iraq? Bush said “Mission Accomplished” after they knocked down the Sadaam statues, but 2 years later we had a “surge.”

We’re so busy keeping America safe by protecting the borders of Kuwait, Iraq, Korea and Germany, that we’ve left our back(south) door wide open and it’s literally a joke to the point where the Mexican government gives GPS units to people who want to make the trip across the border.

Our foreign policy needs some serious work. I’d love to see our troops guarding our own borders and going home more often, spending way less on flights, food, transportation and taking less bullets, but the current congress has sent our forces to the other side of the globe at the expense of the security of our own borders here at home.

I support our troops, they do their job and they do it well, but I will continue to disagree with our foreign policy until it mirrors that which the founding fathers intended and the Constitution dictates.