hippies go to far in cali

So it’s the federal government that builds the levees that are supposed to protect my city, but when they fail the government should just let my city turn into a great big bowl of dead nigger soup?

That would be like Pittsburghers living on the edge of Mt. Washington with cracked foundations and waiting for the Feds to save them every time a house falls down the hill.
No, it wouldn’t.

New Orleans is a joke of a town, and the whole idea of living below sea level right next to the ocean is ridiculous.

Our government is a joke, but not for the reasons you suggested.

YOu do realize that the majority of the population of the United States lives in fairly low lying coastal areas. If a big ass hurricane managed to get north enough and blasted Norfolk, Washington DC, Baltimore, NYC, Boston, etc. I doubt you’d be saying the same thing.