hippies go to far in cali

The Army Corps of Engineers built the levees and stated they would only withstand a category 3 hurricane. Katrina came and broke them, a category 4 hurricane.

Trying to live below sea level next to the ocean is a preposterous idea. Anyone who lived in that soup bowl needs to have their head checked, and anyone who moved back in should be checked into a mental hospital.

I don’t care what hurricane hits where. We’re 10 Trillion in debt, bailing people out who choose to put themselves in harm’s way is not the job of the federal government. We subsidized those people’s insurance with our rates for decades, now the companies got smart, raised coastal rates and stopped issuing policies in many areas.

Fix the levees after they break…I guess that’s ok, although everyone knew they could only hold back the ocean for so long. I’m sorry, everyone with an IQ over 80 who cared to pay attention knew. Know the risks of where you live and stop relying on the Federal Government to save you.