hit a deer at 80kph coming back from Dunnville - S13 fuxxored

thread is cross-posted of my local forum… posted here for discussion purposes.

pics to come - camera is at my mother in laws

So Sasha did some work to my car while i was away in Vegas and the car felt real good.

I hit the track at Dunnville today with the rest of S1DC and was sliding the shit out of it and despite some issues the car was feeling very good.

My dad came with me to the track and we left around 5:00pm to get home in time for dinner.

On HWY 3 heading out of dunnville, in an 80kph zone, i was doing maybe 85kph driving straight. No fucking around.

all of a sudden, and for the first time in my life, i see a pair of deer chillin in the centre of the road.

Of course i cursed aloud, but i did not go off the road, swerving for animals is the stupidded thing you can do. It is because i didnt swerve that my father and i are still alive.

however, the coupe did not fair so well.

At the moment there is dead dear spattered all over the car. The front bumper, hood, headlight housing, drivers side of the rad support etc. etc. are all fucked.

when i went to get back into the car i got a handful of venison, if you catch me.

have to do a more thorough inspection but i get the feeling a part out is in order, that is of course if someone is ready to buy a badass motor set.

I managed to drive home only on account of having an AEM on a MAP sensor… thank god for those things.

fuck. sorry to hear man. Just get an s15 front end.


damn, not cool. That car is gorgeous.

sorry to hear about it bing

I know exactly how you must feel right now, same thing happened to me last oct.

Glad your ok.


Shitty luck! You and your dad are okay and that is what’s important.


Just get an s15 front end.



sorry to hear Bing.

you should have hit the deer going sideways

oh no… :frowning:

Sorry to hear B. I can only imagine how you feel. You put so much work into that car to get it to where it was.

Any plans for the future? Or will you be taking a break?


Well, time to man up on that front end situation

man… so sorry to hear that… I’m lucky I got drift session in the passenger’s seat today right before you left - the car felt solid…

I’m sure you’ll build something just as insane, hopefully you can save most of the stuff.

Damn dude, it was nice meeting you today. That sucks to hear.

fuck an S15 front end, you guys are hardcore ricers jeez. if i fix the car it will get the same Chuki front end because i have to showcase my CF lips.

here are pics: this is not my usual camera, hence the lower quality. my apologies

Here you can see the hood is fucked and the fender is totally useless. there are pieces of deer all over the fender, stuck in the friggin wheel, to the headlight housing etc. etc.


Incredibly, the carbon fiber lip survided… it sustained heavier damage on a date with a curb a few weeks ago on the other side.

Rad support is compromised, bumper might actually be salvageable, but would be easier to just get a new one. side marker went bye bye


I dont know what part of the deer exploded all over the side of the car… perhaps the brain?

I did stop to see the dead deer, it appeared to be intact for the most part.


i am doing an interest check on the motorset, in fact, i’ll post it on here too…

if it goes i will part the car and do something else…

but holy shit did i have fun sliding the car today.

I need a 2 way diff like Jesse… it is easy to be a hero in his car.

wow…that sucks… :frowning:

oooo i love when they splatter

its most likely the deer’s shit. thats what happens when u hit them, they just let everything out.

but ugh that totally BLOWS, this car ruled

Sooo lame… :frowning:


…I dont know what part of the deer exploded all over the side of the car… perhaps the brain?..


^It was the asshole.
Sorry to hear, I know exactly how you feel, hence my sig.