Hitachi To Bring 200GB BD Player/Recorder in '09

8 layer recording, YIKES!!

im also guessing by 2009 desktop hdd’s of 1tb will be what 120gb hdd’s are now

we are going to need fios to fill that up, cable just does not cut it anymore

it won’t happen


fios is 15mbps, if that EVER freaking comes available in my area, its 50 bucks, and only 45if u use verizon as ur phone service, however im quite fine now, getting 9mbps for 60 bucks, and time warner cable is only 6mbps, so…PWND

actually, in NY the tiers for FiOS are 50/5, 20/5, and 10/2 at $89, $49, and $39, respectively.

who is giving you 9mbs for $60?

im getting more than 6 with TW

I get like 6-7 down and a pathetic .4-.6 up…

I need FIOS bad, but its not available here yet :frowning: