
Not even close the story lines are completely different.

guys family gets killed guy holds grudge against the world. woo hoo! I just described every movie cop in history.

sorta agree

mega agree!!!

metal gear solid movie ouuuu

Did anyone find it amusing the two asians were playing Hitman when he flew through the window from one floor to the other?


When I described the movie to Don(Carnutsack), two of the things I told him was the jason bourne feeling I got and the kids playing hitman.

true story

rob on this one you fail hard, die hard that is.

i thought hitman sucked. maybe i just expected too much out of it. didn’t like it.


Out on DVD now. Watched it last night and I give it 4/5. Normally movies like this have almost no plot, but this one had a rather complex one that came together nicely at the end.

I think the reason it didn’t suck like most video game based movies was they made it R rated instead of some watered down PG-13 teenie bopper crap.

I thought it was good, too. The fight scenes were decent but they still pale in comparisson to the Bourne series as far as that goes. Those scenese are the best choreographed in any action movie I’ve seen.

bought it on blu-ray and i thought it was good, funny at times also

All I know is the chick was mega hot. Olga Kurylenko is mega-hot!!


Thank you…

fap fap fap

So hot ^