Hobowars crew: Starting a new gang

20 pts at snails

so did you get that gang that was for sale, or was it a bust. I have 50 more points that i am converting to $$$$$ so you can have a good % of that to add in the pile

^^thats like 2 mil pts isnt it?

going rate today it is around 1,700,000

haha work just owned me… and i am even on my “lunch”

I didn’t get to list the points so i will just have to give them to snails or something once this thing lets me get somewhere without seeing access denied!

some random money i had layin aroudn sent

coughold mancough

just got another 20 points from true members, some dating thing that took 2 seconds to sign up for.

I’ll pass all the fat girls I meet to nitro’s myspace :slight_smile:

i just sent another $7,000. i know its small but im waiting for point value to go up on superhyperglobalmart or whatever its called so i can sell some points.

I have 57 points i’m waiting a few days to sell

once they go back up to 34k they are all going up=close to 2,ooo,ooo

i am sitting on 1.5Mil, should i donate it, or buy a bulletproof vest?

Edit: or a Desert eagle… that would be sweet. I also am going to have weapons and armor to donate to a newer member of the gang as i upgrade my own shit. Right now all i am concentrating on is getting the intel up to 1K

donate…reread first post, compensation will come to higher donators first.

i wont re-read, but i trust you… If i keep giving my shit away, i better be a gang leader or somehting. I still ahve a bunch of $$ and points bulked up, might as well donate a bunch to get the ball rolling

Edit: donated another 1.2 Mil

trust me darkstars wotn screw ne1 ova. ull be treated well for donating

NeedMoneyForBeer has transfered $500,000 into your Piggy Bank.
tpgsr has transfered $1,200,000 into your Piggy Bank.
joeyz34 has transfered 10 points to you.
Pimp Joose has transfered $7,000 into your Piggy Bank.
articzap has transfered $3,049 into your Piggy Bank.

Getting there guys. Bear with me, I’m trying my best to make this all work. I haven’t gotten any gang offers today, but I will try to finance one if we get a good deal. I’m updating the list now.

so i should just transfer my cash to your hobo? i don’t have a lot, as ive been building up intelligence.

one question- should i be fighting other bums first to gain experience, or just go for 1000 intelligence at school? im level 3 and have been training at the elementary, but it takes so damn long!

level to 25 by fighting, then go to university and train INT to 1000.

train stats 5-5-5-10, 10 being intelligence, for now.

alright, ill do that. any other tips? should i buy a weapon to better my chances of winning fights?

once the gang is up and running i have a pretty good weapon and shield that you or anyone will get to have :slight_smile:

Hopefully we can get the gang within the next week or so. Once that happens, we should have a grasp on weapons and armor. The best thing to do, is to buy something at a really good deal used off the super global hyper mart. :slight_smile:

i gathered a bunch of points, sold them and bought a revolver. i trained up speed a little so i could get a couple of attacks in… and just started battling everyone with opposite rep and a 80% or lower win ratio. i’m lvl10 with over a 90% win ratio… and almost 10,000 rep. once i get high enough i’ll start training and stomping =)