Hobowars crew: Starting a new gang

i havent lost a fight yet… but i have -1000 rep points, how does that work?

you’re fighting people with positive respect.

just sent another 500k unfornuately since someone ran their mouth to billy, I’m gunna have to use alot of the other $$ I was going to donate towards a weapon since I’m defenseless right now :frowning:

That’s fine man. When it comes closer to gametime, we’ll all part our shit out and buy the gang, I’ll try to get one with an armory…if not we will work with what we get.

updated :slight_smile:

how am i doing? once i hit level 10, im gonna start training intel like a mad man

your armor is more important than your shield, remember that. Armor + strength are your defenses. If they cant hit you, they cant win, and if you get hit, it will take off less life. If your speed and power are decent, even a small weapon used faster than his large weapon that is missing you will win.

Make sense??

at level 10, intel costs you 10T, and $30 each train. once we get the gang purchased, i will be using my SGHM buying and selling strategy to get points in cheap, and convert them ot T so i can get my Intel to 1K uber fast! But for the time being, all cash and pts. are going to get us established!

I would suggest you deposit your $$$ after each win so you don’t just give it back to the next guy that beats you. Canofwhoopass took you for 200 between his 2 fights which means you had 400 out there for the taking.

Just my .02…

I’m reading from my cell phone, but whoever said turning points in for T…please don’t. that’s like 200000 dollars to get 3 INT.

i know it is pricey, but i have had way too much $$ laying around, and it gets me moving faster

Agreed. If you just concentrate on training at School, you’ll do much better. The trick is to get on as much as possible and use all your awake for training intelligence. I’ve been concentrating on intelligence for the past 2 weeks and I just passed 250. I have quite a way to go but it certainly increases a lot of other things. I get more begging, I seem to find more $$$ and cans exploring and my can depo prices are jumping. All this while staying at the same level so I know it is a big help.

are you at the university?

no just HS

Exactly. I am into it about 2-3 weeks at most and I am about to break 400 intelligence. Don’t waste your money on T, get tokens and build a sick cart up instead because at least you’ll see the money faster, and can always get it back selling off the parts.

You shouldn’t be training INT to 1000 til you hit level 25. It’ll take way too long. I’m getting like .35 a train at the University, average.

5500 more for ya

articzap has transfered $5,500 into your Piggy Bank.

I got you.

I’ma update the list in a minute


$56,000 comin your way

more money for u