Hockey rink v.Backyard

“Apparently some guy in Edmonton build a bad ass hockey rink in his back yard and converted his mower into a Zamboni.” Worth it even if you never play hockey.

And if this is a repost, sorry I searched with little luck.

that is awesome! game on

totally saw this on canadian television (not really sure why i was watching it) but the story is there having a contest for the badest back yard rink and there are three neighbors who removed their fences for this baller rink

damn … there are some true Canadians lol

that is the shit, i’m jealous!

wow…its a bit small though.

damnnnnnnnnn i would be charging the neighborhood kids to come play on it

Check into the board sends you 3 blocks over…

Yeah I wonder if it was made for like his 5 year old or something/friends because way too small to really play.

there was another guy in canada awhile back that had an even bigger rink with a real zambonie i forgot where the pictures were

that thing is pretty tits no matter how small it is

thats so fucking baller


andre… speaking of backyard ice rinks. That house on w.ferry at the end of my street that has the enormous side yard, I believe they have a pretty big rink set up in that yard.

i know man, tha tthing is so sick. i heard they just have kids playing on it. i wish i knew them, i’d ask to put a game together there lol

lets buy the house.

ice rink + 20 car parking holla

that is badass :tup: to the craftsmanship too