hockeys back!!!11!one!



I never realized it was gone in the first place :lol: .

However there is a real sport coming soon!

I can’t wait :blue:

Well on my way :smiley:

on my way to the bar righ tnow…this post is actually wasting my time…


HAHA you all wish…


im rocking my leafs flag on my S14 already, screw the fake fans who only rock the flags in the playoffs.


Ohhhhh that’s too bad guys.

That was so lame. Shoot outs are gay they need to get rid of that. And the leafs don’t see too great either. Not as flashy as the new rules allow them to be.

John you going to Germany? I think I might go just to live in a World Cup atmosphere just watch the game from a bar or pub or whatever zi Germans call it.


Football > Hockey

I can get tickets no problem, my cousin in Greece works for Vodafone so he can get tickets through his company no problem, but the only reason I would go is if GREECE makes it and if they have the same team they had during the 2004 Euro cup in Portugal.
I know they have changed a few players and they have a few injuries but I think they will make it.
But if they keep playing the way they have been playing lately I don’t think they will win the world cup, they got to get their key players off the injury list and start playing the way they played during the 2004 Euro cup other wise I don’t see them going to far this year.

I can get tickets no problem, my cousin in Greece works for Vodafone so he can get tickets through his company no problem, but the only reason I would go is if GREECE makes it and if they have the same team they had during the 2004 Euro cup in Portugal.
I know they have changed a few players and they have a few injuries but I think they will make it.
But if they keep playing the way they have been playing lately I don’t think they will win the world cup, they got to get their key players off the injury list and start playing the way they played during the 2004 Euro cup other wise I don’t see them going to far this year.[/quote]

You beat us in 2004 :frowning:
It’s all good!
Good job!

Hopefully Portugal can go somewhere in 2006, they have yet to win a world cup or Euro :frowning:

You guys do realize your talking about Portugal and Greece right? Brazil is going to win. The Emporer is unstopable. But I put Ukraine in a closeish second. lol.

Futebol > Stickball
