hoffmans unlimited wash plan

thats what edits are for :slight_smile:

I can still see it lol

yeah, but your dont give a shit lolā€¦

Also true lol, your still fucked seeing as that mod that is trying to steal singhs coke machine can Prolly see it still . So watch out for him man or he will report ya to gift card po-9

lol, fuuckk daaa giftcard poolicee

:rofl I want that coke machine.

hilarious that still works btw. going on like 6 years now.

is it only at hoffmans or any touchless?

those things never seem to clean any serious dirt off from what Ive seen. I was with my dad when he took my momā€™s car thru one and it was still filthy after getting washed.

They only work if you keep your car waxed with a buffer

Touchless at Glenmont seemed to do alright at firstā€¦but the last 2 times Iā€™ve tried it, I could swipe my finger on my say, door, and it would pick up a film of dirt.

Black cars suck. This is my first and last one.

Ive never buffed my truck.

I do claybar and wax it every spring though.

No, you suck.

Ill never own a black vehicle. Ive had one but it was so rusty it was probably more rust than black paint anyway and then I changed the doors, bed and tailgate so not much was black after that anyway.

My friend would spend all day cleaning his triple black Mustang and 10 seconds later it looked dirty. Fuck that shit. Shows every speck of dirt, scratch, swirl, etc.

With white you dont see all that shit. White ftw.

For the past few months iā€™ve been looking for a black car. I finally said fuck it, and bought a silver one. The color has really grown on me and I think it was a hell of a better choice in the long run

Silver always looks clean lol

and white isnt as bad as alot of people seem to think.

Ugh the brake dust drives me nuts! Im not sure what kind of pads are on there now, or if its just stopping 4500lbs or so that creates so much damn dust, but its driving me nuts! The wheels damn near look black after 2 weeks (granted, Iā€™ve had to get on them at triple digit speeds quite a few times). So bad so Ive been debating powdercoating them black haha

Get a diff pad , Prolly a stock set or stock replacements .

Hawk or EBC are supposed to be good performance pads.